
Showing posts from January, 2020

What is cord cutting in Shamanism?

Cord cutting in Shamanism, what is it and what are the benefits? Cord cutting is the cutting of an energetic connection with another person or entity and the way the cord or connection is cut varies between tribes and Shamans. The reason for it is if someone feels they are still experiencing negative energy from someone else in their past (or sometimes their present) and the negativity is somehow still affecting them ,it would be beneficial for their well being to cut the cord as once the cord is cut the negative energy will no longer be felt as the connection will be severed. The cord cutting affects both parties involved as not only will that person no longer be able to send you negative energy but you will no longer be able to send them energy either therefore dissolving the toxic circle.  An important note to establish is too make sure that the person having the cord cut is ready to sever that connection and also to realise that once the connection is severed ...

Why did I become a Tantric Therapist and what is my defination of Tantra

Why did I decide to become a Tantric Therapist and what exactly is Tantra? I often get asked this question I hope below my story answers this question My Story My exploration into the world of Tantra began 7 years ago when a work colleague suggested that I may be interested in attending an open evening, if I’m completely honest at that time I was a little sceptical as many people are but I also felt rather curious as my only insight at that point was the sexual preferences of Sting which did intrigue me to some degree and so along I went expecting to learn some fun techniques that I could incorporate into a relationship in the future. Little did I know then how profound that evening would become and the huge impact it would come to have on my life both personally and professionally. I remember sitting completely transfixed and fascinated this was nothing like I had expected and went so much deeper then I could have ever imagined. The actual meaning of the word Tantra is to weave...