What is cord cutting in Shamanism?

Cord cutting in Shamanism, what is it and what are the benefits?

Cord cutting is the cutting of an energetic connection with another person or entity and the way the cord or connection is cut varies between tribes and Shamans.
The reason for it is if someone feels they are still experiencing negative energy from someone else in their past (or sometimes their present) and the negativity is somehow still affecting them ,it would be beneficial for their well being to cut the cord as once the cord is cut the negative energy will no longer be felt as the connection will be severed.
The cord cutting affects both parties involved as not only will that person no longer be able to send you negative energy but you will no longer be able to send them energy either therefore dissolving the toxic circle.  An important note to establish is too make sure that the person having the cord cut is ready to sever that connection and also to realise that once the connection is severed it is very likely that the other person will energetically feel the change and is likely to contact the person affected so it is best to be prepared for that to happen.
An example is a relationship with a lover that goes wrong or ends badly, if that person who was affected is having negative thought s about you that negativity will be transferred directly into your body through a channel which can only be closed when the cord is cut, if the channel remains open the person affected will feel drained of energy and in some cases could develop an illness which is physical or mental such as Depression or Anxiety.
During the cord cutting a short ritual consisting of drumming using rattles and hands on healing is combined and then at the appropriate time the cord is cut with intention using the hand, sword or other appropriate means. The equipment used and relevant people involved in the healing must then cleanse themselves using sage to prevent the negativity from affecting them . Following the treatment the person who has just had their cord cut should drink plenty of water ,keep positive and practice self love and care to aid healing leading to recuperation in the body and peace of mind emotionally and spiritually. https://www.yourinnerglow.co.uk


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