How can touch be used to combat illness and disability?
How can touch be used to combat illness and disability? Human touch is an essential part of our health and wellbeing, throughout our lives from the time we are born to the time we die it plays an essential part in helping us to feel nurtured and cared for. Babies need to be cuddled and held to thrive, children need contact to feel safe and understood, teenagers need to feel connection to feel accepted and heard, adults need to feel wanted and recognised and seniors need touch to combat loneliness and pain. The power of touch is so much more then this, which thankfully has been recognised due to numerous ongoing findings and medical reports which have all proved that patients who received therapeutic touch recovered much faster than those who did not or only received the placebo effect. The Egyptians were the first to introduce the benefits of deep tissue massage and the Chinese the benefits of therapeutic touch into medicine. As a result of the power of touch becoming so benefici...