What is Failure to thrive Syndrome and how can it be helped?


 Failure to thrive Syndrome is a term that is used to describe the inadequate development of a baby or infant which usually occurs during infancy. The term is commonly used for children who have failed to grow and develop as expected and when their weight and height is significantly below children of a similar age or sex. There are many different factors that can cause this inability to maintain growth and development and treatment will depend on the reasons for failure to thrive otherwise known as FTT to occur.  Possible reasons include medical issues, exposure to a toxic environment, economic problems and a lack of emotional nurturing and care.

Medical issues can vary and include chromosome abnormalities such as Down or Turner Syndrome, heart or lung problems, blood disorders, gastrointestinal problems, defects to major organs or to the central nervous system and problems with the endocrine system such as a growth hormone deficiency. In this instance medical care and ongoing advice and support is often readily available.

Exposure to a toxic environment for an infant can lead to a greater risk of infections through parasites but more commonly stem from pregnancy as the substances pass through the placenta to affect development and if the baby has been subjected to the mother drinking alcohol, smoking or taking drugs it has been linked to a variety of different health conditions including premature birth, Foetal Alcohol Syndrome and low birth weight. Therefore, women who are trying to conceive or are already pregnant are advised to avoid the use of toxic substances to protect the child’s health and wellbeing in addition to their own.

Economic problems can affect many families who can struggle to deal with the ongoing expenses that having a child can create. This sadly can lead to a child not receiving adequate nutrition to support healthy growth and becoming undernourished as a result. In addition low income can affect other aspects of a child’s growth including cognitive development. There are various sources which can provide financial help including various benefits and allowances available such as income support and universal credit which can be applied for. Numerous groups can also offer invaluable support and guidance during what can be a very difficult time.

Finally, unhealthy family dynamics or a parent’s withdrawal of emotional care and support can lead to a child failing to thrive through neglect, abuse or trauma of some kind. Touch is the first language that newborn babies experience allowing them to feel loved, accepted and safe.  Even before birth pregnancy massage can provide a wonderful way for a mother to bond with her baby which continues when the child is born. Touch is not only calming and nurturing for babies but also encourages an increase in alertness levels as through the different elements of touch they then learn how to process different sensations allowing them to respond appropriately to various situations they will occur throughout their life. Touch also teaches a child how to move and have control over their body as through being cuddled or handled a child learns how the body is formed and connected, this then helps with forming boundaries in relation to how they relate to others as they become aware of their own limitations but also potential.

It has been proven that children who have not received adequate care and attention are at a higher risk of developing behavioural, psychological, physiological or social problems as they develop due to the changes that the brain experiences during infancy and beyond. This can then lead to them experiencing a variety of problems and concerns including a lack of confidence and self-esteem and in addition mental health concerns including Anxiety and Depression in their teen years and into adult hood.

Babies who have developed a failure to thrive will often demonstrate one of the following traits:

Difficulty with feeding ,over sleeping or not enough, a lack of eye contact, overly fussy, vomiting or diarrhoea, a lack of interest in things around them, stiff or floppy muscles, weak cry, a loss in weight or height and a delay in all aspects of development.

It is essential therefore to understand the importance of touch especially for babies as the care received during the early years will affect us in the long term for the rest of our lives. Babies will learn and develop according to the stimuli and person they are most familiar with, therefore if a child is born to a mother who is depressed and non-responsive the baby will instinctively be more drawn to someone else with a similar nature as they are just responding to what they know and are most familiar with, which is why as adults we are often instinctively drawn to others who share similar characteristics to our own. Essential care not only enables babies to feel nurtured and loved but also improves sleep patterns, elimination and digestion and neurological and cognitive function. This can improve weight gain for premature and full term babies and in addition mothers can also benefit as bonding, particularly when it is skin to skin can offer many benefits including the reduction of Stress levels, post natal depression and increased lactation resulting in an overall improvement in all aspects of health and relaxation for both mother and baby.

Elizabeth Lock Professional Holistic and Cuddle Therapist CTHA

heal@yourinnerglow.co.uk                       https:// yourinnerglow.co.uk
heal@yourcuddletherapy.co.uk                 https:// yourcuddletherapy.co.uk


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