What is body to body massage and what are the benefits?

Body to Body massage is a style of massage where the therapist uses every part of their body to massage the clients body, the receivers of this style of massage are usually men and the givers female  but sometimes these roles can reverse as genders gain pleasure and enjoyment from this unique experience.

Due to the nature of this massage the energy which is built up and created is much stronger and more profound then a standard 'Swedish style massage' and when incorporated into a Tantric massage it can increase the experience significantly as the new sensations created can make this treatment truly unforgettable. Prior to the massage commencing Tantric connection rituals are shared,these are essential elements as they prepare both receiver and giver to encourage a sense of trust and connection with no emotional or physical barriers and induce a sense of relaxation. Both parties will then de robe and the giver will at first create a build up of sensations on the receivers skin using different forms of touch followed by spreading the oil using just the hands initially.  The energy is then gradually increased as the giver uses parts of his/her body to massage and then uses the entire body in a sliding motion over the receivers body using a variety of different techniques for maximum effect and pleasure.

    Both the front and the back of the body are treated and to conclude the treatment the build up of energy is taken upwards and  condensed  where a sense of total well being can then be experienced as the body and mind are completely rejuvenated. Sadly due to the sensual style of this massage it is often misinterpreted and can often be viewed on social media or numerous websites as 'Asian massage' or something similar, it is unfortunate as some of these advertised experiences are certainly not authentic in nature, contrary to what is a common belief sexual services of any kind are not a part of an authentic Tantric treatment and a professional  practitioner will certainly not offer this option to you as it does not represent or respect the true Tantric values and ethics in any form. It is understandably confusing when inquiring as certain websites are very misleading with what they advertise is not necessarily what they are offering! It is however very easy to spot the authentic practitioners by the way they present them selves when advertising (never erotically dressed or in underwear) Being portrayed in the correct way  is essential in this field of work and an authentic practitioner takes this responsibility very seriously so there is no doubt as to the true integrity of the service being offered. It is advised that you should contact the therapist and discuss the treatment prior to booking to ensure there are no misunderstandings as to what the treatment entails.

Body to body massage performed authentically is a beautiful and truly sensual experience that connects the receiver and giver on a journey of discovery, the treatment is always heart led with the focus on healing the body through a conscious touch but also providing pleasure whilst this is occurring. The focus is not purely on sexual stimulation  alone as that derives the intention from the sacred and pure energy created during the treatment which is so essential for creating feelings of well being, healing and regeneration  which stay in the body and mind long after the massage is completed. An extra benefit for the client is if the therapist practicing is awakened in her own feminine (Shakti) energy she becomes a huge energy source herself and when these forces combine it is a truly powerful and very memorable experience!

The major difficulty for men receiving this treatment is that is can be extremely stimulating due to the build up of energy created and can therefore at times feel too intense or difficult to relax. However if the receiver is able to centre their mind and body and simply focus on just receiving  it can actually be extremely empowering for a male receiver not too react but instead to let the inevitable build up of power absorb into his body there by creating feelings of increased masculinity as the male Shiva energy is embraced and celebrated by the  feminine Shakti who will create feelings of adoration whilst being embracing him in a safe and loving space.

Benefits of body to body massage for men and women

- Awakens masculinity or femininity,increases erotic energy,sensuality and therefore the capacity to experience pleasure in different parts of the body possibly not experienced before.

- Gives a greater awareness of sexual energy increasing self confidence.

-  Promotes a sense of well being ,making the receiver feel loved and respected.

An extra benefit for men is gaining the ability to control his own sexual energy,therefore learning  to separate ejaculation from orgasm( experiencing the full pleasure of orgasm whilst still  preserving his own vital life force energy which rejuvenates the body) this enables him to become a better lover as a result,thereby improving his connection and relationship not only with his own body but also with his partner and being more able to meet and understand her needs also.



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