The health benefits of Maca root

Recently due to some changes occurring in my own body I decided to explore this popular super food to find out exactly what is Maca, where does it come from and what are the benefits of taking it. I found it incredibly beneficial in boosting my own health and would highly recommend adding it to your diet.
Maca is cultivated in the high altitude regions of South America and is sold worldwide as a vegetable as well as a supplement as there are many health care benefits associated with it.  There are numerous colours that Maca comes in but the most well-known are Black Maca, Yellow Maca and Red Maca, with each one having its own unique benefits to improve health.
So what are the differences between each of the Maca roots and which conditions are they the most beneficial for?
Black Maca has a taste similar to soya beans and is recommended for men as it helps with muscle building, boosting digestion, increasing stamina, boosting energy, strengthening the immune system, aiding restful sleep and enhancing fertility as it increases the sperm count!
 For women it offers the same benefits but in addition it also helps to enhance our curves which is always a positive option for a woman!
Yellow Maca has a tangy taste and can be consumed in vegetable form or as a powder which can be added to smoothies or salad dressing for easy consumption. It is helpful for its ability to enhance fertility also and actually is often referred to as a natural Viagra because of its instant effect on the body in creating a long lasting libido but also helps to improve feelings of depression and is highly beneficial for balancing hormonal levels in the body during the menopause.
Red Maca has a malty taste and overall is thought to be the most beneficial of all the Macas, it has the highest amount of amino acids and is helpful for Prostate health, boosting libido, enhancing fertility and decreasing Stress and Depression.

In addition to all these benefits individually, collectively Maca root is helpful for overcoming erectile dysfunction ,increasing hair growth, mental focus and clarity, improving skin tone and preventing Osteoporosis. Indeed it seems there are so many benefits to be gained from adding Maca root to your diet that it seems a shame not too.

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