The ways in which we can see and interpret life and how it may affect our relationships

The ways in which we can see and interpret life and how it may affect our relationships

Every single one of us irrespective of race, religion or gender are completely unique and as a result how we view others and our individual attitudes towards life will therefore be completely different. There are three main ways how as a human race we view situations and relate to others. It is likely that you will recognise traits of yourself in one of these ways, if so it can be interesting to simply reflect on why you may see and view things the way you do as it is only through self-reflection that we are able to increase our awareness and understanding of not only ourselves but others also, so as a result we are then able to relate to each other in a more effective manner.

The first way is through seeing with our eyes using physical sight alone in able to understand our view of a situation or person.  This is also known as unconsidered observation, with no insight or comprehension. We take things at face value and assume what we initially see is the truth of the matter without looking at the bigger picture. It is important to understand that the reality of a situation is rarely what it may first appear to be.

An example is if you see a mother scolding her toddler, at first you may presume she is a bad mother for speaking to her child in an upset tone but then if you look deeper it may be that this same woman has been up throughout the night with a child who has refused to sleep and been crying and having tantrums nonstop for the past 10 hours, does your perception now change? As a parent it is even likely you can relate to those feelings of pure exhaustion, have you ever lost your patience in this situation? It happens to the best of us. Therefore at first glance alone it is impossible to see, recognise or appreciate the truth of the encounter.

People who fall into this way of thinking can often struggle to maintain relationships and go from one relationship into the next in quick succession often blaming their partners for the relationships not succeeding as they are unable to recognise that their partner will not see things in the same way they do and as a result this destructive approach will continue until a greater sense of depth and self-awareness can be achieved.

The second way is through rational thought or Academia. This is when you feel the truth of a situation is limited to your own experiences and understanding, you will feel you need active proof before you believe something to be true and you will use a method of observing and then forming a diagnosis, a doctor is an example of this way of thinking. After an examination you will be given a diagnosis of what the problem is based on the doctors training and knowledge of the issue at hand.  A person who has a thinking pattern such as this will assume the truth is limited to their own personal knowledge, they will feel there is nothing more to be learned about the situation that they do not personally know.

People who look at life experiences in this manner usually assume nothing is truth or fact unless it is scientifically proven to be so.  

 The third way of viewing situations is through empathic relatability and feeling with the heart. These people are often much more sensitive to the feelings of others and actively make an effort to discover the unseen factors and understand the facts they are able to see. Empathic thinkers perceive and accept a situation without bias and are open to considering new levels of truth and ideas. They often work in the humanistic professions and as a result relating to others on a compassionate level is a natural way for them to communicate.

Seeing and taking the time to really feel with our hearts what a situation really entails bring more empathy into our personal relationships and we will be able to understand others view points and see the situation with more compassion and clarity, enabling a feeling of mutual wellbeing and support.  This will then mean we will be able to reflect back what we are sensing with our heart so our understanding can be expanded and we will be able to realise that not everyone is on the same journey through life and we all must all find our own individual paths and way of viewing situations and relationships which provides us with the nourishment and success that we are all ultimately  seeking.


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