What is loving Kindness meditation and why is it so important?

Metta is otherwise known as loving kindness meditation,it is very different to a traditional form of meditation which generally just has its focus on bringing peace and focus to our own individual mind and body. The loving,kindness meditation instead brings focus to our world as a whole to spread kindness and peace to everyone not only ourselves.
It is incredibly sad that sometimes being a loving and kind person can be seen by some as being weak or open to easily being hurt or taken advantage of in some way,but why is this when actually having a kind heart is an incredible gift,if your heart is open it only makes you more powerful and resilient and actually kindness towards others has never been so important as it is now.
Studies have actually shown that those who are able to be open and loving towards others result in them having a happier,healthier and more successful life. For this reason it is important to be aware of our words,thoughts and actions towards others.
So how does the loving kindness meditation work?
The loving,kindness meditation relays certain positive phrases of kindness to first of all ourself,then somebody we love,someone who we view in a neutral way and then finally to the entire universe ending once more with ourselves. The same words or phrases are used continually completing a circle that interlocks and connects us all.By repeating these phrases similar to affirmations they start to embed deep into our subconscious mind and can bring incredible peace and healing to not only ourselves but others also as the energy resonates wherever we choose to direct it. It is not possible to feel two different kinds of emotions at once therefore if we focus only on positive feelings and warmth towards others that energy and vibration automatically cancels out any negativity.
Although we may think the words we use towards others only affect them this is not true, as indirectly our brain will also bring those some emotions back to ourselves so choose wisely!
You can use whatever phrases resonate with you the best I personally have been using the following:
'May you feel peace in your mind' ,'May you feel calm in your body' 'May you feel love towards yourself and others in your heart' and 'May you always feel safe'.
If you ever feel you need to release your mind from the troubles of the world and feel more connected these meditations can really make a difference to not only how you are feeling but also how in touch you feel with humanity as a whole.

https://www.yourinnerglow.co.uk       https://www.yourtantrictouch.co.uk


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