6 mudras to encourage the optimal flow of healing in the body and improve wellbeing


6 mudras to encourage the optimal flow of healing in the body and improve wellbeing, hold each position for as long as is comfortable.

Namaste mudra

To harmonize and connect with the higher self and to show respect and gratitude too others

Press both palms together, fingers pointing upwards, letting thumbs gently rest together. Take elbows out to the sides and hold position around the chest area.

Divine connection mudra

Expression of oneness with the universe and allows a deeper connection with ourselves

Touch tip of first finger with the tip of the thumb on the same hand. Keep rest of fingers extended in a relaxed manner can also repeat mudra with the other hand at the same time.

Energy balancing mudra

Balances and cleanses energy, removes toxins and enhances inner harmony within the body and mind.

Touch thumb to tips of the middle and ring finger and extend other fingers gently repeat on the other hand if you wish.

Energy charging mudra

Stimulates energy and reduces fatigue and feelings of unhappiness

Take the left hand, palm facing up and cup it slightly into the shape of a shallow bowl with the fingers and thumb together. With the right hand makes the thumbs up gesture keeping all the fingers of the right hand curled into the palm with the thumb extended upwards. Place the right hand of the thumbs up gesture into the left palm so the thumbs up gesture of the right hand sits in the cupped bowl of the left palm with the thumb pointing upwards.

Extend the elbows outward and hold around the hips area.

Negative energy release mudra

Releases and let’s go of stagnant energy that is stuck and helps to clear the body of negative energy from others that has been transmitted.

Clasp both hands together with fingers interlaced, then straighten the first fingers on each hand and place them together, let the thumbs cross over. Now turn the hands so that the first fingers point down wards. Do not do this for very long as it can drain a lot of energy very quickly.

Energy pointer mudra

Directs healing energy to a specific area of the body

Taking deep breathes throughout, fold fingers of each hand in together then fold in thumb to form the point of a beak. Point the tip of the beak to wherever in the body the issue is located.

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