How is an energy healing session performed and what changes take place in the body during it?

An energy healing is a highly effective way to move stagnant energy and clear blockages in the body to allow our natural chi or life force to operate most effectively. Energy affects every part of our lives from how we perform our work to how effectively we are able to communicate within our relationships, when a baby is first born within the initial first year you may notice them constantly looking around this is due to their ability to see and sense energy, unfortunately we often lose this skill as we get older due to excessive external stimuli which prevents us from fully connecting within.

Our bodies are constantly communicating with us as to our condition and yet how often do we ignore the subtle signs such as physical pain comprising of muscular aches and pains, headaches or feeling tired. Instead we often push ourselves forwards which temporarily does not often cause problems but long term can lead to serious health conditions such as Anxiety ,Stress or illness. The way the meridian pathways cross over affects our energy as we move forward if we are well rested the energy is able to flow effectively, yet when we are tired or unwell the energy reverses leading to us feeling depleted and exhausted.

There are various techniques that can help temporarily to stimulate the meridians to reverse the flow of energy again to give a boost such as tapping on the thymus gland on the chest or the cheek bones, there are also two soft spots under the centre of the clavicle although beneficial these practices are not advised for the long term.

Energy healing will often occur sitting in a chair or laying on a couch, although Reiki is connected to working to distribute blocked energy ,the techniques are different as Reiki follows a set pattern generally and sometimes it can be more effective to have a system of healing which is tailor made for the individual receiver.

The session will begin with establishing the main concern after which the receiver will be invited to sit or lay down and following deep and continuous breath work and grounding techniques to relax and encourage calm in the body the healing will begin. It is essential that both the practitioner and receiver continue to breathe effectively throughout the session as the energy cannot continue to flow and move effectively without the breath being constant. First of all the Aura or energy field will be cleared by stroking down to remove blockages after which the practitioner will use his or her dominant hand to open the chakras through intention, visualisation and the physical movement of energy.

The chakras are important energy centres, there are 7 main chakras but many smaller ones located throughout the body, the practitioner will channel energy from the higher source which will be received through their crown chakra and move down into the relevant hand into which they are moving the energy. If there are particular energetic blocks which can sometimes be felt as physical pain or areas of discomfort such as eye twitching the receiver may be encouraged to breathe into this area using a blue healing light, this is particularly appropriate during distance healing when the practitioner cannot be physically present to facilitate the healing process.

In addition to this if negative energy is experienced in the energy body it is advised to breathe in a purple light as that is the highest vibration, and negative entities that may have attached will be unable to survive, thus removing themselves from the receiver. If problems do arise it can be informative to be aware on which side of the body they occur as it may provide insight as to the cause of the problem or discomfort. The left side of the body relates to the feminine and the right to the masculine, for optimal health it is essential that both polarities are constantly balanced and intertwining harmoniously with each other.

In addition to using the hands to move energy there are other ways such as using a pendulum. This is an instant way to check how healthy a chakra is, as they naturally rotate clockwise when open when the pendulum is placed directly over the particular chakra the pendulum will start to spin clockwise automatically as it is picking up the vibration from the chakra and will spin accordingly. However if the chakra is blocked or closed there will be no movement which is why sometimes the receiver will not feel any sensations, the energy will be flowing but due to the blockages present it cannot be felt until that particular energy centre is opened.

The root or first chakra located just below the groin is the most important chakra to open as it not only relates to us feeling grounded and secure but also controls the flow of energy throughout the remaining chakras which are located above the root chakra.  These then continue with the sacral, solar plexus, heart ,throat ,third eye and finally the crown located just above the top of the head.  The chakras are incredibly important as they not only govern our flow of energy but also relate to glands within the physical body and are of varying colours which unfortunately are not often visible to the naked eye unless we have clairvoyant abilities.

The chakras can cause problems when they are closed but also when they are overly open such as if the throat chakra is blocked that governs communication and feeling connected to our own truth, so we may have issues expressing how we are really feeling when it is closed and yet if it is too open we are unable to stop talking! If an issue is found in a particular chakra it can easily be re balanced by imagining a white light entering the space and energetically scooping out the blocked energy in addition to moving the energy with the hand and pendulum.

Another way to calm an over active chakra is too place one hand on the relevant chakra and the other hand over the root chakra to encourage grounding and therefore balance in this particular area of the body.

Once the energy clearing has been completed and all the chakras have been re balanced the session is then brought to a close by the practitioner either by placing both hands on the clients shoulders or one hand on the crown chakra at the top of the head and the other on the sacral chakra located just below the navel.

Energy healing is a highly effective way to rebalance the chi within, leading to a greater degree of health and well being in mind, body and spirit.         


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