The significance of the chakras: Solar Plexus (Manipura)



The significance of the chakras: Solar Plexus (Manipura)

Position: 3rd: Just above navel   Colour: yellow   Organs and glands associated:  Digestive system, liver, gall bladder

Crystals and stones:  citrine, calcite, tiger’s eye, gold topaz   Planets: Mars Sun   Chakra mantra: Ram

Direction of spin:  counter clockwise Element: fire

 Affirmations:  ‘I am confident and I achieve whatever I set my mind to doing ‘ ,  ‘ I create personal goals and work towards my success’ ,’ I am powerful and work towards creating the life I have always dreamed of’ ‘My mind set and purpose is strong and I do not get distracted from achieving my goals

Governing attributes: being aware of identity, self-discovery, confidence, leadership, will power, integrity, productive

The third Chakra is known as the Solar Plexus or Manipura in Sanskrit and is a masculine chakra which projects out the world how we are feeling with the energy flowing counter clockwise.  If you watch a speaker addressing the crowd, a rock star or a successful business person they all have that inner confidence that demands attention. The solar plexus is the element of fire to give passion and drive to achieving your goals and to have a sense of purpose in your life.

Do you know what your path is in life and where you are working towards? Once on that path are you fully committed to achieving what it is you desire or can you be easily distracted? Growing up we are taught values and beliefs about the world and ourselves …who we are, how we should behave but sometimes it is important to have the strength to break away from conditioning and live the life we choose rather than the one that has been planned out for us by others as we are not living for ourselves then but somebody else perception of how our reality should be which does not necessarily match our own.

Balanced and healthy solar plexus chakra: proud of your achievements, know how to balance a healthy ego as opposed a dominant one,  confident, leader, strong will power, not afraid of challenges, living with integrity, clear on purpose.

 Blocked and closed sacral chakra: No sense of purpose begin things but don’t complete them, easily led by others, give away your power, low self-worth and sense of self, unconfident, poor boundaries, trouble sticking to plans, no clear purpose or direction, no setting goals ,living space is messy and un organised, not developing yourself, no control over will power.

Overly open/active chakra: opinionated, dismissive of others thoughts and ideas, think you are always right, so focussed on what you want through work and achievement everything else gets neglected.

How to re balance the solar plexus chakra:   form new habits, start with something simple then build upon it, define who you are as a person and what your personal goals and aspirations are then focus on them, steer away from negative habits and make necessary changes, challenge yourself publicity post your goals on social networks it’s a great motivator to been held accountable will bring out best in you.

Society can dictate to us that we should be humble and not be overly expressive about our achievements for the fear that it may cause upset, jealousy or concern in others but why is this? As a result we may over time have suppressed our achievements and desires for fear of criticism from others but this is so damaging. Having a healthy and balanced ego is essential for our own personal confidence and sense of self, we should be proud of our achievements especially if we have worked hard to attain them. Learn to tune into who you are and not who somebody else is, search for validation within yourself you will never find it within others.


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