The significance of the chakras: Third Eye (Ajna)


The significance of the chakras: Third Eye (Ajna)

Position: 6th located between eyebrows Colour: indigo or purple   Organs and glands associated: brain, central nervous system and pituitary gland

Crystals and stones:    Azurite, amethyst, sodalite, lapis lazuli   Planets:  Jupiter

Chakra mantra: Ksham or Om   Direction of spin: clockwise   Element: light

 Affirmations:  ‘I focus to open up my psychic abilities so I can see and understand others better’, ‘  I manifest only positive changes into my life’, ‘ I choose to focus only on good vibrations and thoughts’, ‘I am willing to open my third eye to get a clearer perception of the world I live in’

Governing attributes: meditative, intuition, physic abilities, intuition, self-knowledge, insight

The third eye chakra or Ajna as it is known in Sanskrit is a feminine chakra, it is connected to gaining knowledge, intuition and physic insight. It is where we form our beliefs about the world we live in, the command centre where you can develop new ideas and gather new knowledge. Scholars, scientists, researchers are perfect examples of people who use their perception to better understand as they are constantly educating themselves and gaining new knowledge so they can become open to new ideas which can often create a new insight and the ability to see the bigger picture as opposed to what many people will only view as their own reality.

We all are responsible for the choices we make and for what we choose to manifest into our lives, our thoughts become our reality about ourselves, others and the world around us, the vibration you choose to give out will attract others with the same vibration so if you wish to change your life for the better you need to raise your vibration by connecting within. This can at first be difficult as the further up the body the chakras go the more subtle the vibration. However through meditation and a slower pace of life it is possible to clear and still the mind leading to a greater sense of peace and harmony also within all aspects of the mind, body and spirit. This is when we start to dream and if we are able to contact fully with the third eye we may see symbols or images which will have a specific meaning or message for us.  

Balanced and healthy third eye chakra: healthy and balanced attitude, open to learning about new things and people, insightful and often drawn to read or study to gather new information.

Blocked and closed third eye chakra: .closed to new ideas and dismissive of anything that is not immediately understood, finds it difficult to concentrate, gets distracted easily blocks cognitive gifts due to lack of understanding.

 Overly open/active chakra: those with hectic life styles  and demanding jobs, working long hours , moving so quickly through life it makes it difficult to focus not only on ourselves but the world around us.

 How to re balance the third eye chakra: slow down and take time to breathe and fully focus on yourself and the world around you …breathe!  Meditate for at least 20 minutes every day to encourage a sense of peace and stillness.  


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