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The significance of the chakras: Heart (Anahata)

Position: 4th over the thymus and heart Colour: green/pink   Organs and glands associated: heart, lung and thymus

Crystals and stones:  emerald, jade adventurine, rose quartz, malachite   Planets:  Venus  Chakra mantra: Yam

Direction of spin: clockwise Element: Air

 Affirmations:  ‘I am able to give and receive love easily’, ‘I deserve to be loved and cared for’, ‘I am deeply connected to the universe and all beings’, ‘I am compassionate and loving to all living things’

Governing attributes: compassionate, loving, connected, able to give love as well as receive it, forgiveness, understanding, relationships

The fourth Chakra is known as the Heart or Anahata in Sanskrit and is a feminine chakra which is the centre for all the other chakras connecting us not only to ourselves but to others also. If we have suffered a heart break the chakra closes and our posture may change from walking with an open and expanded chest to retreating and hunching our shoulders inwards in an effort to protect ourselves. As painful as heart break is it can also be a blessing as it teaches us that we are often stronger then we think and it encourages us to increase the level of self-love we feel for ourselves so we can heal from the trauma caused by others who are often not fully conscious of the consequences of their actions if they are not awakened themselves.

So why is there two colours associated with the heart chakra? This teaches us the ability to feel love not only for others (green) facing outwards but also for ourselves which is equally if not more important (pink) and receiving from the back. How do you react towards others, do you still carry resentment from the past into the present day from past wounds even if that pain was not in any way connected to your current relationship or situation or do you do the necessary work within to heal your past hurts so you can go onto then live a happier and more productive and fulfilling life? People who cause deliberate hurt and devastation in others people’s lives are often mirroring what is happening within their own life. If you are deeply connected within then you have no desire to cause pain but only show love and to be connected to others first of all you need to be connected within yourself.

Balanced and healthy heart chakra: You have the ability to give and receive love equally expecting nothing in return, you have close relationships with partners, friends and family and can communicate easily with them, and you have a desire for equality for all and put your focus into creating positive life experiences for yourself and others with kindness, compassion and acceptance. You can forgive easily if necessary and do not bear grudges towards others.

 Blocked and closed heart chakra: overly critical of yourself and others, a lack of self-esteem, depressed and unhappy with your life, struggle to find happiness, carry resentment from the past, find it difficult to create loving connections, unable to receive gestures of love such as physical affection of a compliment,

 Overly open/active chakra: You give constantly to others without caring for your own needs so you constantly deplete your own energy sources because you are overly focused on making others happy,  you look for validation and a sense of worth through other people, find it difficult to maintain boundaries.

How to re balance the heart chakra:   Do a kind act for some else every day it will not only make a big difference to them but to raise you own value and sense of worth and purpose, practice gratitude perhaps try writing down your thoughts and emotions in a diary and then looking at ways you can yourself improve your life experiences whilst healing trauma from the past, practice unconditional love and acceptance for others with no judgement. Nobody is perfect so try not to expect it from others, having flaws makes us human. Practice meditation daily for 20 minutes to connect with the planet and within ourselves.


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