The significance of the chakras: Root (Muladhara)

Position: 1st base of spine          Colour: red or black    Organs and glands associated:  reproductive organs, legs and pelvis

Crystals and stones: garnet, ruby, blood stone, black tourmaline

Planets: Earth and Saturn      Chakra mantra: Lam

Direction of spin: counter  clockwise  Element: earth

Affirmations:  ‘ I am safe and well, all is well in my world’ ,  ‘I live my life to the full and achieve success in every area of my life’,   ‘I am a warrior and am strong in mind and body’  ‘ I live with integrity and take responsibility to fulfil all my needs’.

Governing attributes:  Physical survival, grounding, vitality, courage, work ethic, instincts and basic needs

The first Chakra is known as the Root or Muladhara in Sanskrit and is considered to be the most important of all the chakras as it is the portal or gateway for the flow of energy into the remaining major chakras. The root chakra  is masculine meaning it sends life force out into the world ,but projects energy downwards to create a sense of grounding and stability in the body. The energy for the root chakra comes from the ground via small chakras in the feet which then project the flow up feeder channels in the legs and into the chakra itself .

The root chakra is often the strongest in athletes, soldiers and successful business people, as it signifies taking action and moving forward to achieve your goals and having the discipline and motivation to do it. Have you ever seen a person walk into a space and just commend attention? They just have that vitality for life, sexual energy and presence and are aware of their primal power …these people are perfect examples of having a strong and healthy root chakra.

Balanced and healthy root chakra:  time sensitive (good time keepers), live in the present moment, embrace physicality and taking care of themselves, secure within themselves and grounded, good level of energy and motivation, positive attitude, maintains boundaries, comfortable with confrontation if necessary, powerful presence, responsible and secure within themselves, successful with a good work ethic, able to take care of basic survival needs.

Blocked and closed root chakra: Holds access fear so can often hold back in life, struggles with boundaries, lack of work ethic and motivation, constantly struggling to attain the elusive success, body issues, low energy, financial unstable, feel unappreciated and disrespected by others, over analyse situations, gives priority to others and not self, struggles with responsibility and often blames others ,feels obligated to always say yes to others, avoids conflict low sex drive, dominant and controlling, planner always looks ahead, struggles to be spontaneous and live in the present moment, avoids conflict, lives in the head- not connected to the body, weak legs and buttock muscles.

If trauma has been experienced the root chakra will be affected as it governs safety and security. The person may try to numb the emotions by either over eating, taking drugs, excessive drinking, constantly looking at social media or multiple sexual partners as a form of distraction, this is particularly relevant if the trauma stems from childhood.

Overly open/active chakra: Anger and resentment issues, always actively seeking out conflict

How to re balance the root chakra:  Allow yourself to be spontaneous and not always plan everything, develop a healthy work ethic and relationship with money, take personal responsibility for your choices, set and enforce appropriate boundaries when necessary, do not allow others to take advantage of you-learn to say no and mean it! Heal previous trauma to avoid addictive forms of avoidance and increase self-esteem, prioritise your needs over others, take action and set goals, embrace discomfort as a healing form, let go of control and learn to stay present and connected, take a cold shower to burn fat and awaken primal instincts, don’t suppress your emotions , nurture yourself with pamper treats, don’t be afraid of change-it is often positive, surround yourself with positive people and energy, be honest with yourself and others, embrace conflict when necessary, become financially responsible and finally exercise more, at least 3-4 times per week for 45 minutes. Squats to strengthen the legs and buttocks are particularly advised.


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