The significance of
the chakras: Sacral (Svadhisthana)
Position: 2nd:
Just below navel Colour: orange Organs and
glands associated: stomach, kidneys,
spleen, adrenals
Crystals and stones:
jasper, carnelian, sun stone, amber Planets: Moon Chakra
mantra: Vam
Direction of spin:
clockwise Element: water
Affirmations: ‘My life is
joyful and I can create whatever I wish,
‘I have a great social life and have many friends who care about me, ‘I live my life with joy and abundance in
all things ‘ ‘ I am deeply connected to
my sexuality and others are naturally drawn to me’.
Governing attributes:
creativity, sexual energy, vitality, social aspect, confidence, fun, emotions, and
The second Chakra is known as the Sacral or Svadhisthana in
Sanskrit and is a feminine chakra meaning it draws energy in and if you see a
woman with raw sex appeal you know she is deeply connected to her sacral
chakra! The energy for the sacral chakra comes from the upwards flow of the root
and the energy flows clockwise and is connected to the water element which
governs emotions. This chakra is the one which is most commonly blocked in both
men and women as society often teaches us to suppress our emotions and work hard
to achieve what we want which prevents us fully connecting to how we are really
feeling and encourages a outlook of all work and no play.
Artists, actors and social interpreters all have strong
sacral chakras, they know how to captivate and entertain others through
creativity and expression. They often live life to the max, don’t take
themselves too seriously and embrace fun and having a good time! They enjoy
exploring new situations and easily form friendships with others. Empaths can
often have a difficult time balancing this chakra as it is related to the
emotions hence it can be difficult separating the emotions that come from us as
opposed others.
Balanced and healthy sacral chakra: Able
to embrace desire and explore sexuality, easily forms new friendships and is
popular, creates a fun and upbeat vibe whenever they are around, dress smartly
and enjoys the attention it attracts, enjoy life and embrace it fully,
charismatic and sensual, aware of likes and dislikes and not afraid to express,
connected to life and a sense of adventure, secure personal relationships with
a healthy sex life.
Blocked and closed sacral chakra: loners: often like to spend time alone, avoids
social contact, not creative, bored, frustrated, no motivation, lack of sex
life, not in touch with emotions, often carries a sense of shame with body or
self, distrust of others and no joy in life which feels routine and monotonous,
hesitant to try new things, afraid to dance or express themselves for fear of
judgement, suppresses emotions and has trouble expressing themselves, rigid body,
indecisive, finds it hard to receive praise from others, spends the majority of
time indoors, often distracted by social media, unproductive, takes no pride in
the way they dress or represent themselves to others.
Overly open/active chakra: People
who have multiple sexual partners, excessive partying and find commitment
How to re balance the sacral chakra: Learn
to embrace life and have more fun, don’t be afraid to make a fool of yourself
and don’t put so much emphasis on what others think! Become aware if you are suppressing emotions and instant find the
courage to openly express them, find a new hobby where you can get creative
whilst meeting new people and actively push yourself to say hello to strangers,
don’t be afraid to resort to a childlike state of mind and enjoy that playful
side of your character, don’t spend so much time indoors, slow down and take
time for yourself, go shopping and treat yourself to a new outfit that makes
you look and feel great, go out more, dance and feel the freedom in your mind
and body when you just let go, do things that take you out of your comfort
Learning to express your emotions is not always negative it
can be very positive, they are a form of wisdom and can be incredibly
insightful and healing. Fear helps to
create an energy which increases self-awareness, Anger helps you to define and
set healthy boundaries for yourself and sadness helps to release blocked or
stagnant energy which no longer benefits or serves you in any way.
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