10 life lessons I have learned to live a more authentic life
10 life lessons I have learned to live a more authentic life
As a human being we all make mistakes we are not designed to
be perfect and that is myself included, but throughout my journey in life there
are certain things that I have learned through life experience that have made
me realise some very important life lessons …see if you agree or if any
resonate with you personally..
1) Show yourself the same love and care in the way you speak to and treat yourself as you would to a much cherished friend, family member or partner. If you don’t love yourself unconditionally then how can you expect anybody else too? Do not expect anyone else to fill a void inside of you. Create your own happiness
2) Trust yourself and your intuition, if something feels right then go for it...if not trust that inner voice and reserve a little judgement or be cautious until you are really sure it is what you are looking for. Take your time if something is meant for you it will not go past you...my best friend taught me this. Wise words indeed)
3 Do not disregard your own needs for somebody else’s and this includes embracing your sexuality, in any relationship there has to be a degree of compromise but that does not mean that your needs are not as important as your partners or anybody else, don’t be afraid to express what you are feeling. Personal and professional boundaries can help you to feel comfortable and safe.
4) Do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it, there will be times when everyone needs a little comfort, help or advice it is not a sign of weakness to reach out to others isn’t that what unconditional love is all about for loved ones friends and family to be there in the hard times as well as the good?
5) Keep your word and honour any responsibilities you may have, if you have an agreement with someone that you have made then it is up to you to take that seriously and follow through. Sometimes in life unexpected things will happen such as illness or a sudden and unexpected change in circumstances that are beyond your control but whenever possible honour your agreements it builds trust, an absence of it leads to a very unhealthy and toxic relationship.
6) Don’t be afraid to let others know how you really feel, how many of us go through life not really expressing how we perceive about something for fear of rejection or judgement. Life is so short speak from your heart and if you really feel something then express it otherwise you are only really living a half-life.
7) Be proud of your achievements and do not be afraid to hide them for fear of how others may judge you. If you have worked hard and achieved something you are proud of why shouldn’t you tell the world? There is a big difference between bragging and being proud of something you have worked hard to achieve.
8) Try to release the judgements you may have about other people. At some point in life everyone has made a judgement, good or bad about somebody or a situation depending upon their personal perspective. Just be aware that if a person or situation makes you feel particularly uncomfortable for no specific reason then it may be triggering or mirroring a shadow part of yourself that you may not be particularly comfortable about acknowledging.
9) Do not allow others to disrespect you. If somebody generally cares about you in any capacity they will never do anything to cause you discomfort or pain. Do not be afraid to end a relationship, work contract or friendship if it is no longer serving you. Things always happen for a reason, it may not seem that way at the time but as one door closes a better one opens …
10) Make time for yourself, sometimes we are so busy taking care of other people we forget to look after ourselves s take that bubble bath, buy those shoes, treat yourself to a meal if we want something as a child we make sure our needs are vocalised and met so why does that need to change as an adult? If they are reasonable and help to nurture our hearts and soul then why would you deprive yourself of being happy?
www.yourinnerglow.co.uk www.yourtantrictouch.co.uk
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