What is the definition of the term goddess and what qualities makes a woman become one?

 What is the definition of the term goddess and what qualities makes a woman become one?

If you think of the term goddess what is the first thought that comes to mind? A beautiful and highly arousing woman? Well that may be true but the term goddess when used in a spiritual manner goes so much deeper than simply exterior appearances.

Sadly we do now seem to live in a very superficial world with the media bombarding us constantly with what the perfect woman should look like, how she should dress, what she should do for a profession and yet is this really important? Is beauty only skin deep or is the real beauty of a woman to be found in her heart and soul?

From a spiritual aspect a goddess is a woman who embodies all the highly valued traditional feminine qualities such as beauty and fertility but who also holds a sacred place in religious prayer and worship. A goddess is a female deity who has also been associated with war, creation and death, throughout the century’s goddesses have been worshiped not solely from desire but from a belief that they held the power over others to enrich their lives in some way.

So what is a modern day goddess and how would you become aware of a woman who possessed these qualities? All woman have an inner goddess but it is up to them if they let her shine, a goddess is the embodiment of feminine expression whilst being very much aware of her inner strengths and personal power. She will understand the importance of both masculine and feminine energy and will merge the two together within herself so that she can become whole and balanced in her physical, emotional and spiritual life.

A goddess is fully aware of her feminine charms and yet balances this soft and playful energy with a gently authority and a fearless nature which commands attention without demanding it. She is authentic and honest and accepts her flaws, possessing a freedom within her soul and raw sexuality that draws you in and you cannot explain why, you just know that she possesses something magical that leaves you wanting more.

To live the life of a goddess do not be afraid to become vulnerable to being and expressing your real and authentic self, it is through doing this that you can give light and hope to others whilst enriching your own life, it can take a lot of personal inner work to live with complete integrity, but with that comes true freedom. As thought patterns that are no longer serving you are reprogrammed and the shadow side of yourself that we all possess is fully embraced.

It is a time of awakening and integrating a new found knowledge to be who you really are and live in clarity so you may live your life with a sense of freedom and joy.
There are many different types of goddess including domestic, earth, angel, spiritual, priestess, love and warrior and you may find that you are in fact a combination of many types of goddess depending entirely on your individual characteristics and values. Whatever it is that lights up your world, makes you feel passionate and alive within is where your greatest personal gifts lay. Maybe your greatest passion is your children, your career or your partner we are all different and that is what makes us as women so fascinatingly complex and yet also very unique and intriguing.

Unfortunately in our modern day work environments, feminine values can so easily be lost as women strive to compete in a masculine environment and compete with their peers, which can at times lead to them becoming more aggressive ,as their professional success increases, the natural feminine qualities inevitably decreases.

I feel it can be easy to forget that although we are individuals in our own right we are also women and we represent not just our self but other women also. Collectively we possess extraordinary power and influence, a woman gave birth to us we are the source of creation and new beginnings. How incredible would it be if we could come together in love and instead of trying to compete with each other or tear each other down we could build each other up?

When as women we stand in our power we can take on the world and yet how quickly and easily we can become disempowered by bringing into our present and future unresolved wounds from the past that we may be either unable or unwilling to heal. Everyone one of us has been subjected to pain in some form, but by holding onto that pain and choosing not to forgive we are not learning the lessons taught to us previously and we are prevented from moving forward in our lives.

Those who cause pain to others have always had pain caused to them so do we continue the toxic cycle or do we choose to forgive and live a life where we show love and compassion and as a result evolve and achieve our highest potential, I have made my choice …what will yours be?


  1. So in all honesty all woman are goddesses but some will be different types of goddesses. Hence why woman are very powerful

    1. That's absolutely correct, very
      insightful and true!


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