What is desire and why is it important in our lives?

 What is desire and why is it important in our lives?

What does desire mean to you? A longing for something or someone that may seem unattainable or perhaps it’s a goal you have desperately been trying to achieve..
Desire is the reason that everything exists as without somebody desiring them nothing would be possible, if you ask anyone who has every felt desire in their life they may describe it in words such as ‘mind-blowing’ or ‘addictive’, desire is our life force energy which is electrifying and illuminates everything it touches which of course includes our heart and soul.

Have you ever wanted something so badly that it actually hurt emotionally and physically? We may then feel that desire is to blame for us feeling this anguish when actually it is the belief that we will never be able to attain what we want that causes us pain and not desire itself. Desire is our higher self communicating to us what is in fact already possible the reason for this is that if you didn’t really want something you would not desire it, true desire means to move towards the very thing that you want, false desire means you move away from it.

A perfect example of desire is a woman or man who may fear that they will never meet the person that sets them alight and yet they are afraid of growing old alone and as a result settles down with someone who they consider to be ‘comfortable’ and reliable. This happens all the time so why do we not wait for that person who can give us everything we want? The answer is simple because of fear and time. Often the very thing we desire the most is also the very same thing that we are afraid of ,we are afraid to want something we feel we can never get, it makes us feel vulnerable and so as a result we simply dismiss our feelings and shut down to the possibility of achieving it.

Does the desire go away? Rarely and yet it keep us in a safe space to not act on our impulses, we then get to keep hold of our security and safety without the risk of causing ourselves or other people pain. However when we realise that everything we want and desire is in fact not for those things but for the feeling that they give us ,it helps to explain better why we seem to crave these things that seem so unattainable.

It is not just people that others desire, if you really are honest with yourself have you ever felt just a little bit envious of somebody else’s life style? Maybe they seem to have the perfect home or job and yet do we really want that home or job or do we just want that feeling of having it and achieving something that others will recognise and perhaps envy us for or perhaps we are just looking for a feeling of security but confuse this with desire.

Some people can feel confused about desire for this reason and yet if you find it difficult to know what you really do want then make a list of what you don’t want and then do the opposite. In life we can achieve whatever we want if we can only clear our limiting beliefs and just let desire flow it will then naturally find its way to us if we only allow it too. There may be times when we feel a situation is hopeless and we will never get what we truly desire. The reason for this is because we are conflicted in our belief that we will never be able to achieve what we desire. If you find yourself not understanding why you feel this way just ask yourself why you want the thing you desire and listen to your answer, if there is a but … or an excuse you make to not pursue what you want that is your answer and the reason why you are conflicted.

For desire to manifest and flow there can be no conflictions as you have to let the fear go before you can achieve what you want, so how do you do that after a life time of being conditioned through past experiences. To recognise and let the fear go start by asking yourself a few simple questions such as ‘Why do I believe in this belief, is it really serving me and what am I so afraid of that is stopping me from pursuing my desire? ’ the answers may surprise you.

If something is aligned with your energy and feels good to you then the only person stopping you from achieving what you desire is you. You may feel that you desperately desire to have a relationship and yet when you meet someone who could give you what you want you feel constrictions and fear so why is this? Because of confliction and a lack of self belief that things will not work out the way you want them too, we may want the commitment of a relationship and yet be afraid of the pain of heart ache if it doesn’t work out but why shouldn't it?

These negative beliefs and constrictions are often totally unfounded and yet they help us to keep in our safety zone, we may not get what we want but we get to stay safe and for some that is the most important thing. For me call me reckless but I prefer to follow my heart, because as far as I’m concerned the only way to find complete satisfaction and happiness is too open myself up to desire and see where it takes me ..


  1. Wow this is powerful and great.we are human and there are many desires. It is down to us to follow these desires or not. But I truly believe if you desire something that is for the greater good then I would pursue it.


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