What is intuition and how can I learn to sense it for myself?


What is intuition and how can I learn to sense it for myself?

Intuition is something we all have, but we do not always act upon it, it is the ability to acquire knowledge and information, that feeling you have in your gut about something that you cannot always explain and yet will always lead you to the right conclusion. We use our 5 senses to tell us information about the physical world we live in but intuition is something that does not come from our senses it gathers information from the unseen world and guides you to making the right decision.

In the world we live in everything is vibrating energetically, if you want to really feel the truth about a matter or person then try to focus on the vibrational energy to see how it makes you feel, this will help you to decide if it is the right choice for you.  Unfortunately in this busy world our minds can constantly be stimulated and kept busy and distracted with outside influences such as other people’s opinions or your own ego which can cause confusion in your mind and yet your intuition is always stable and never changes. How many times have you heard yourself say you wish you had acting upon that ‘feeling’ you had, well that’s your intuition guiding you.

We all have receptors and senses which make up our energetic compass within our mind and body.  Consciousness takes two forms, comprising of the functional mind which is part of the mental body that helps you to complete tasks and the ego that processes information from the world around us and makes decisions about situations based on past experiences, the down side of the ego is that it can make decisions based on negative as well as positive previous experiences and therefore it can be judgemental as the decisions it will make will be based on what is feels will keep you safe.

In life in order to evolve and grow we all have to take decisions and chances otherwise we remain stagnant and stuck in the same place, it may be that we choose to ignore our intuition as acting upon it will take us out of our comfort zone and yet there are always consequences to doing so even if they are not immediately apparent. Over time we may develop pain and stiffness in the body as thoughts and emotions have their own frequency and the body will be physically affected accordingly.

The reason that some people do not act on their intuition is because they do not trust it, in the physical world we can actively experience the things we see and feel and others can have the same experience we do and therefore acquire the same knowledge and yet intuition is something only we can feel through sense alone and because it is a very subtle form of energy we often disregard it.

Has the phone ever rung and you knew who it was before you took the call, have you ever thought about someone and then seen them the next day? If either of these things have been experienced that was your intuition. In the body we have three areas where we experience feelings, in the mind we experience thought, in the heart feelings and in our stomach and gut a knowing that just seems right. Intuition is the language of spirit into the unseen world.

So how can we learn to listen into out intuition to see if what we are feeling is the right decision for us? The answer is simple, focus into how you feel about what you are thinking about, if something is right for you and aligned with your soul energy it will bring you happiness and if it does not feel right and make you feel doubtful then it is possible that is not the right decision for you at that time.

Your intuition will always tell you the truth, which is what you may not always want to hear, but sometimes it’s better to know the truth then live a life not is not authentic.

‘If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration’

Nikola Tesla.

www.yourinnerglow.co.uk    www.yourtantrictouch.co.uk


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