The diverse range of relationships we incur in our everyday lives and their significance


The diverse range of relationships we incur in our every day lives and their significance

Throughout our lives relationships will play a key part in our life experiences and the way we relate towards others. None of these connections are more important than the one we share with our chosen partner, which can vary in degree and yet are equally significant. There are many reasons that people choose to come together with others which can be more in-depth then you initially realise.


Physical relationships are otherwise known as ‘casual’ or ‘hook ups’ they are lust generated and often friendship based with another person with which we share a sexual attraction not always with commitment. It can be confusing sometimes to some as to why they feel very sexually drawn to a certain person which is not always because of a physical urge. From a spiritual point of view you may feel a pull because in the person you feel attraction towards they may have what is known as light codes DNA and a sexual encounter allows for the DNA to be transferred from them too you too activate something within your own body. This is why you may lose interest after only one encounter as the code has been activated and processed within your own body and hence you no longer feel a sexual pull towards them. Complex but sexual urges are simply chemical reactions and once processed desire and attraction naturally ends.


Karmic relationships can be confusing as they feel incredibly intense and yet often have unsettled undercurrents which occur. These connections come into our lives to teach and enable us to grow, there may be unresolved energy from our childhood or a past life and karma which needs restoring. There will be a key pattern and lessons to be learned. For example if in a previous life or in this life you have not been faithful to your spouse it is likely you will encounter a partner who will either do the same to you or treat you badly in some way so you can learn the right way to treat other people and help you to become a better person. In your present body you will trade places with the person who did the wrong previously to ‘pay the depths’ and balance the energy. This can of course work the other way too if you have treated others well previously it is likely in this life time you will have very harmonious relationships with others. Fragmented souls needs to repair themselves so although this relationship may feel destined and intense it is only because your soul needs to heal and become complete once more and once that process is complete the karmic relationship will naturally dissolve.

Soul contract

Soul contracts are similar to karmic relationships they are often less intense and yet have a tendency to last longer The difference is the karmic aids in balancing and clearing the energy but the soul contract is more long term as it focusses on a learning process and full evolution, if the time has not reached the evolution stage in this relationship there will be a sense of something ‘missing’ and a void until the learning process is fully complete.

Soul mates

Romantic love teaches us that soul mates are the love of your life but this is not always the case. More commonly soul mates come in the form of friendships where we can learn from others and somehow feel we have a deep connection and cannot explain why. Have you ever met someone only once and just felt you have known them all your life? That may be a soul mate connection. You will compliment and understand this person they may even feel like family too you and will reflect the positive side of yourself. For example if you are a middle child in a family and you meet another person who is the same you automatically have a connection in soul frequency and it may even be the case that you knew this person in a past life hence the depth of connection you feel towards them which often cannot be explained, just felt.  

Mirror souls

Mirror souls are a vehicle for personal discovery as they teach us what we need to know about ourselves, good and bad helping us to embrace our shadow self by reflecting our traits so we may become more aware of them especially if they are unconscious to us. These relationships again can appear to be intense as they seem to know and understand us so well and yet like karmic relationships they are only here to assist us in the learning process so we may become more awakened to enable us to recognise and heal within.

Twin flames

The twin flame relationship is unique and does not occur for everyone, only if you are extremely fortunate will you encounter your twin flame. This person will be a reflection of you sharing the same ideals, morals and values just like yin and yang the masculine and feminine energies will intertwine and balance each other beautifully. You will share one soul between your bodies hence the depth of the connection which will be extremely powerful, almost as if you cannot be separated.  In order to encounter this relationship you must be fully evolved within yourself and have taken the necessary time and completed the work needed so you can fully know yourself within. For this reason it will take time to recognise this relationship because although the attraction will be instant only time will tell if indeed you have met your twin flame and they can be confused for a karmic relationship. The difference being that the karmic relationship will naturally dissolve when the time is right but the twin flame connection remains stable throughout. As twin flames are so similar to ourselves like the mirror relationship we will be shown everything about us including the parts we would rather not see yet instead of simply teaching us a lesson and then dissolving the twin flames stays steadfast and helps us to expand and grow stronger. Twin flames complement you in every way, understand you completely and love unconditionally and without end.

Yet strangely enough despite this intense connection when you are apart you may not feel that desperate longing you may feel in a mirror or karmic relationship which can cause confusion as to the validity of your feelings. Instead you will often feel very calm and nurtured and then when you re connect once again you encounter that intense energy which helps you to connect on every level. Twin flames can have different interests and yet the passion they share for one another will never be in doubt and will never subside irrespective of the time they spend apart.

Free will

Once the spiritual lessons have been learned and resolved through the mirror relationships and karmic then we have free will to pursue the relationship that is right for us. Free will of course also means the other relationships we choose our friendships, colleagues, business partner ships for example all of which will be chosen to be of mutual benefit to each other.

Life partner

The cycle ends with the ultimate goal for many to find that person that will make us happy and fulfil our desires and needs. This does not always need to be about love some people choose to maintain their independence and will deliberately choose a physical relationship to do just that. Often the majority will start with a physical relationship, learn from mirror and karmic relationships and then settle down with who they feel is a soul mate or if they are fortunate enough a twin flame. We all have different goals, needs and desires, so long as we can be open and honest about what our intentions are too others that we meet then everyone has the chance to enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship of their choice, that is the right for them at that particular time in their life.


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