The relevance of free will in our predetermined life design


The relevance of free will in our predetermined life design

Every one of us has free will and the choices we personally choose to make between different courses of action deeply reflect our moral compass and our integrity between how we feel about our self and others. At the time of conception we are born into our bodies with a soul which has a unique frequency known only to you, prior to birth the higher soul has already mapped out a blue print for our lives regarding what we will learn and contribute which of course we are free to change but the concepts of who we are will stay the same.

For example in a previous life if you were involved in a role where you helped others it is likely that in this life you will be drawn to do the same or at least strongly resonate with that. Throughout our lives we will make decisions and choices but wherever our passion resides will always show us the correct path and choice for that time. Our thoughts, beliefs and emotions all have their own frequency and some will feel harmonious and some not. What is important to understand is that everything that is right for you at that time will feel good, if there is any doubt then maybe rethink your choices for that point in time.

This unfortunately is where many people become unstuck and myself included. In the past I have made choices which I knew deep down in my soul were not completely right and as a result I incurred problems and discomfort until I made new choices which realigned my soul as to its true direction. I also found out the hard way that you will never feel truly fulfilled if you make your choices based on what someone else’s needs and wants are as when you choose away from your own soul you are subconsciously choosing an illusion and moving away from source.

We all have a degree of responsibility in life and of course with that comes a degree of compromise but that does not mean losing sight of who you are and what your needs are. Through my own self development work over many years I have faced and embraced my shadow self and realised the only way to heal the pain and fear within was to acknowledge my emotions instead of ignoring and suppressing them. The only way to heal is too let more light within and in time the darkness caused by conflicting emotions and past hurts will clear and your vibration will be restored.

If you wish to make a conscious change in your life take a close look at what you are reflecting out to others, if you want to be successful in any area of your life you need to change your vibration. If there is a part of your life which is causing you disharmony perhaps take a look at that area and see what you are personally reflecting out unconsciously to others in your beliefs and if it keeps reoccurring what do you need to do to heal so you can change the frequency for a more positive outcome. Again I learnt the hard way how true this was, in fact the reason I am so open is the hope that I can help others understand it is possible to create beneficial change from the lessons I have learnt previously.

The people I have met throughout my life have been diverse and all with different concerns, but who all come to the same realisation eventually that nobody has to be a victim, we have the power to choose what we want from life. If we deliberately choose to keep suppressing our wants and desires then we will keep experiencing conflict as the universe works in mysterious ways and sometimes we need to learn important lessons before we can move on to experience the life we truly desire.  

As Albert Einstein correctly stated the definition of insanity is ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results’.   

As an example previously I was always attracted to emotionally unavailable partners, before I became more awakened I would lay the blame on them because I did not want to take personal responsibility for accepting the fact that I had made that choice to be with that person because I myself at that time was not emotionally ready even though I thought I was. I felt I should be in in a relationship and settle down to have a family as that was the ‘norm’ and yet I would constantly avoid commitment instead redirecting all my time and focus into building my business as that was where my soul purpose was at that time.

Through extensive internal work I have now discovered the power and also consequences of choosing your own path and following not what feels right to others but what feels right to you at that time and in this process found an internal balance which resonates positively within myself.

If you are starting out on your own journey of healing and exploration please be patient with yourself, processing and learning to understand deeply suppressed emotions can be exhausting especially initially. Just remember we do not always have the power to control what life brings to us and yet we always have the power to control how we feel about it.   Learn to connect deeply within and be aware of any resistance feelings you may have about certain situations they are there for a reason, if you choose to ignore them there will always be consequences in some form.

An important and highly relevant point to bear in mind whilst on your own journey ….often the very things we crave may actually not be what we truly want at all, looking deeper within it is possible that what we truly desire is not that particular thing at all but the feeling we feel it will give us. Another important aspect is the reason that manifestation and the law of attraction does not always seem to work in our favour is first of all because we don’t always want to confront pain in order to heal and secondly if something is not meant for us at that particular time it will not come to us then. This does not mean at a later date if cannot come but this will be entirely dependent on your souls frequency at that specific time.  

Emotions carry messages to the outside world, if you are highly successful in your chosen career and yet your personal relationships are a disaster which is a very common occurrence then perhaps you need to look at where you are projecting your attention and if necessary make the changes needed to resolve internal balance. Also be aware of the fact that what feels the way you want it to feel may not always come in the package you expect. For example how many people have had in their mind how the perfect person will look and then end up falling in love with someone completely the opposite?  If you put your focus on how you want to feel as opposed superficial things the right person will be sent to you.

Wherever you direct your attention you will attract more of the same back to you.  If you are afraid of losing someone from your life look internally and see if the concern is actually losing a part of yourself as we cannot lose what naturally belongs with us whatever that may be.  Do not spend your time or energy trying to justify or make excuses for something you know is not the right choice for you, if we do not naturally choose something it is either not genuinely desired, not with our souls alignment or we are afraid of the feelings that we may develop as a result of wanting that particular choice. Get to know yourself and be very clear on what you do and do not want as where you focus your energy and attention will always determine which direction and path you follow throughout your life and your life force will ultimately be affected as a result of every choice and emotion you make and feel throughout your path of existence past and present.


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