What is Quantum jumping and how can I learn to explore it for myself?
What is Quantum jumping and how can I learn to explore it
for myself?
If you are really honest with yourself how satisfied are you
with your life currently? Is there anything you wish you could change or have
done differently? It is normal to experience at times some levels of dissatisfaction
as no matter how perfect somebody else’s life would appear things are not
always what they initially seem to be.
Quantum jumping is the process of making the choice to
drastically change your life by having a clear vision of the desired state of
being which differs from your current state and then making a jump into that
new reality. Through the frequency we give out to the outside world from our
past experiences we attract our reality because our vibrations resonate. By
focussing our energy into the reality we truly desire we must first of all
become very clear upon what we do and do not want.
This is because this process is so powerful that there can
be unintended consequences for example you may get what you thought you wanted …only
to then discover it is actually not what you wanted at all because the universe
will bring you what you asked for in the most direct way. For example you may
put out to the universe that you would like a romantic relationship and you may
have an idea of how that perfect person will look in your mind. The law of
attraction will send you a person who may appear on the surface to be
everything you have ever wanted and yet the feeling is simply not there.
The lesson to be learned from this is too connect first of
all with your heart and truly feel what it is you desire is it love ,a promotion,
a new home? Then connect to the feelings that come to you when you think about
that situation and then project the way you feel about it out, the law of
attraction will then naturally reflect and send back to you the same vibration
you are sending out.
So once you have become clear and focussed on how you wish
to feel how can you Quantum jump?
First of all make a definite decision about what is that you
truly want to change your reality and then imagine yourself in your current
reality in a bubble form. Then see yourself in your desired reality appearing
in front of you in another bubble like form which shares a permeable and transparent
wall. Become very clear with yourself
about how that new world feels, do you feel happy, excited, fulfilled? Connect
with that feeling and allow your current frequency to resonate with the new
frequency. When you fully feel that new reality make the
jump into the new bubble ….how do you feel now? Without even realizing it your
frequency would have completely changed , hence attracting to you all you
The reality of what is possible already exists you just need
to have the belief that you can make it happen so you can align with it. Just
be aware that if your belief is strong and pure with good intentions towards
yourself and others your belief will come towards you, however the opposite is
also true. If you place doubt or disbelief on what you desire or you are doing
it for the wrong intentions you will push it further away because your emotions
affect your vibrations. Stay focussed, patient and strong if it is meant for
you it will come to you, if you feel doubt return back to the warm feeling of previously
to restore back to the positive vibrations.
Anyone can do this process and sometimes we already do, just
subconsciously in our minds, shifting your reality is not as complex and difficult
as it may appear and the effects can be truly life changing, such is the power
of positive thought.
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