What is Sacred Sexuality what role does tantra play in discovering it?
What is Sacred Sexuality what role does tantra play in discovering it?
Since discovering the life changing power of tantra for myself many years ago it has never ceased to fascinate me which is the main reason that I now practice it both personally and professionally. It greatly saddens me that there is still so much stigma surrounding this ancient tradition because un less you explore its meanings and concepts for yourself then you can never truly know or form a fair opinion.
Thankfully more people are now becoming open to understanding the true depths of tantra and realising how potentially life changing it can be if practiced authentically and with purity and respect both for yourself as well as for others.
So what is sacred sexuality? The meaning of tantra is too weave or expand to explore not only our own bodies and selves but those of others also. Polarity is very important in tantra as the male Shiva energy becomes merged with the feminine Shakti energy to create a powerful force which encourages healing and complete rejuvenation in body, mind and spirit.
Intimacy and sexual union is the source of all creation, it is not only the coming together of the masculine and feminine energy but also the connection between heaven and earth. Sacred sexuality combines the physical senses with activation of the energetic bodies to open up all our channels replenishing our organs energetically as opposed to a physical sexual connection which may provide pleasure and tension relief but does not reach the same depths, hence depleting our organs energetically as a result if the connection is not heart felt.
Due to combining the physical delight with a heart felt and energetic connection sacred sexuality not only provides intense pleasure but more importantly is incredibly healing as is the focus of tantra, clearing spiritual, emotional and physical blockages and allowing the energy in the body to flow freely as our sexual energy is the most powerful healing source that we possess and it can be activated at any time should we wish to explore it.
In tantra the sexual organs are incorporated into the massage for those who do not understand or may have some reservations let me explain why. The vagina (yoni) and penis (lingam) are physically attached to the body they are not a separate part, unfortunately some of us have been taught that it is shameful or somehow wrong to touch a sexual organ given permission by ourselves or others but it is only wrong if the intention is not pure.
The focus of tantra is for healing ,not titillation as may be the belief of some and the purpose of a yoni or lingam massage is too release blockages which can be felt in the sexual organs just the same as anywhere else within the body and which once released promote healing to occur and enable the energy to flow freely whilst encouraging a deeper connection between our sexual organs and our hearts.
The yoni is the source of creation, as women we bring life into the world and as a result we form a natural link to the universe and heaven. The lingam known as the wand of light gives direction and is connected to the earth helping to keep us grounded hence the two energies of male and female are equally important.
Every person has masculine and feminine energy within us and if we are able to connect with both energies and learn to balance them equally it can bring not only harmony but direction into our lives.
As I mentioned earlier tantra when practised authentically has its focus on healing, the reason I am so passionate about it and why I became a practitioner is because it helped me to open up internally and helped to heal previous trauma that had been present which is one of the reasons now I am so passionate about educating others about how transformative it can be.
Intimacy for yourself and in a partnership is essential to promote feelings of self-love and wellbeing. Have you ever wondered why it seems men can sometimes have a greater yearning for a physical encounter then some women do? From a spiritual perspective men have a physical need for sex as it triggers his unconscious need for survival as he is naturally connected to the earth, if intimacy is not evident in his life he may feel frustrated, angry and deprived as he may feel his survival is being threatened.
Sexual healing through tantric practices serves many purposes as through the process not only does the relationship you have with yourself improve but also the relationships you have with others. Some people will hold onto trauma for fear of the outcome if it is triggered and yet it is only through working through the blockages through tantric healing work and self-development work including breathing into the space and practicing forgiveness that the body can truly heal and a huge benefit of this is becoming naturally more orgasmic as the connection within ourselves develops so too does the pleasure and sensations felt and experienced in our own body.
The journey to self-healing and increased self-awareness and pleasure can be challenging and knowing where to start not always obvious. For those who have not yet learned the spiritual power of connecting internally to find the connection you are searching for may turn to others to fill the void they are feeling within. Casual sexual encounters may provide temporary physical relief but long term can actually cause more harm to the connection with self. This is because to feel a complete connection to your partner you must first feel it within yourself.
If you are engaging in these encounters your heart is not being activated only your physical organs and hence connection with yourself is subconsciously affected.
Another important element to be aware of is we are all energetic beings with our own energy field, every day without even realising it we are constantly coming into contact with others peoples energy. If we are then being intimate with that person we are making the choice to allow that persons energy to enter our own energy body.
If you do not know the emotional history of this person you are indirectly allowing their trauma and fears into your own energy body which long term may then have implications on your health and wellbeing. So you see it may seem like just a simple casual encounter but in reality the choices we make are much more profound on a spiritual level.
Tantra has taught me so many important lessons including to always keep the focus and intention on the heart. Sadly in modern society now sex can sometimes be used as nothing more than a physical release or weapon by those who may not have a strong connection to their own heart or body. This and Pornography will often provide short term pleasure and power but this is short lived and superficial as it does not reach the essential depths needed to truly connect so we may feel completely fulfilled and empowered in body mind and spirit.
Until we learn the power of connecting internally this vicious cycle will develop as we continue to crave more superficial pleasure and feel increasingly frustrated that we are not able to find the fulfilment we are searching for when actually the only person who can fill that emptiness is ourselves through forming a deeper connection with our own body we naturally become more aware of others people’s needs also, therefore organically improving the relationships we have with others but more importantly the relationship and connection we have with ourselves which is the concept of sacred sexuality.
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