Why is following a diet advised for your individual blood type so important?

 Why is following a diet advised for your individual blood type so important? Part 1

Recommended reading: “Eat right for your type”   Dr Peter J.D’Adamo

A huge part of wellbeing and health is of course your diet. If you yourself have ever had any digestive issues or food intolerances you may have visited a dietician or nutritionist for help and advice but what if there was another way of looking at our health from an individual point of view as opposed a general view. A few years ago I was recommended this book and there are many times I re visited it before committing to the advice suggested to improve my wellbeing.

The book in a nutshell teaches us to look at our diet according to our blood type as something which is hugely beneficial for us may actually act as a poison for those with a different blood type and why this is. I found it absolutely fascinating and interesting enough as the book stated your body will naturally crave the foods that it knows are good for you ,not in an addictive and needy way such as a sugar addict may crave chocolate but in a very natural and knowing way. Advice is given on which foods are particularly beneficial to our bodies which work as a medicine, the ones that are neutral which simply work as a fuel and the ones to avoid which actually work as a poison. In addition recommended portion sizes, recipes and meal plans are given. To make the plan even more precise ethnic nationalities are individually given their own recommended amounts to consume on a weekly or daily basis to further benefit. Recommended supplements are also given with advice on how to avoid common illnesses which potentially could prove fatal purely through following the blood type diet.

The blood types are O, A, B and AB with blood type O being the universal giver and AB the universal receiver. As stated in the book “Your blood type is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of health, disease, longevity, physical vitality and emotional strength. Your blood type determines your susceptibility to illness, which foods you should eat and how you should exercise. It is a factor in your energy levels, in the efficiency with which you burn calories, in your emotional response to Stress and perhaps even in your personality”.

So with all this in mind in a condensed form what did I discover about the diet recommended for the different blood types?    

Blood Type O

This Type is most efficient on an animal protein diet as it has high stomach acid levels and fat busting enzymes but this must be balanced with the fibre and nutrients provided by vegetables and fruit. Seafood is also a beneficial choice and yet an excess of dairy products can cause digestive problems and weight gain as can wheat. Grains and cereals in excess can also cause inflammation as can the night shade vegetables and corn.

Blood Type A

This type has a sensitive digestive tract and functions best on a plant based or vegetarian diet as there are digestive enzymes and stomach acids used to digest animal protein lacking. A small amount of wheat and dairy can be tolerated but generally as a guide dairy can be unfriendly to the gut, encouraging the growth of non-friendly bacteria and mucus which can irritate the respiratory tract.  Soy products are preferable as are tofu, beans and legumes.  

Blood Type B

This type thrives on a mixed diet with some foods being particularly beneficial such as seafood, it is the only blood type that can enjoy a variety of dairy foods, however rye, corn and buckwheat can encourage weight gain and tomatoes should also be avoided.

Blood Type AB

This type is a combination of type A and B hence the same guidelines and diet plan combining the two should be followed. Be aware of excess diary due to excessive mucus production.


  This book was a fame changer for me personally 90% of the time I eat exclusively for my blood type now and as a result I have lost weight, feel more energetic and generally feel my health has been restored. Well worth a read, your health and wellbeing will certainly thank you as a result!

www.yourinnerglow.co.uk     www.yourtantrictouch.co.uk


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