What does Intimacy mean to you?


What does intimacy mean to you?

When you think about the term ‘intimacy’ what does it mean to you? The answers we give will depend on where the mind is focussed at that point in time and what your intention is towards that person. The initial thought for many people will be sexual encounters but, look a little deeper and you will realise that being intimate with someone does not necessarily have to mean becoming sexually involved. It can mean something much deeper and more profound. So why is this?

When we form sexual relationships with our partners, we are choosing to exchange energy and bodily fluids, which although is often pleasurable, is not necessarily intimate. One-night stands are a perfect example of this. We may feel attraction for another person physically and sexually and feel the urge to connect with them but the connection we are forming is purely superficial as what we are really wanting is to have our own sexual desires satisfied. It is also possible that the person we are attracted to has what is known as a light code DNA within their bodies, which we are naturally drawn to, and once the energy from their body enters ours, we no longer feel the attraction because this code has now transferred into our bodies. Therefore, following a casual encounter, you may no longer have any interest or desire for that person because your initial need has been satisfied but this will only ever be temporary.

If we have not healed from past negative experiences and learnt to become completely loving and intimate towards ourselves, we will struggle to connect intimately with others and may strive to look to outside sources to satisfy an often-insatiable thirst which has been created due to a lack of desire or knowledge as to how to form an internal connection within ourselves. If our own heart is not open and we do not have love and respect for ourselves then how can we expect others to do so?

Have you ever met someone who never seemed satisfied with their life and felt jealous of other people’s achievements or constantly enlisted the use of various outside sources so they were able to gain the temporary high and sense of validation they were craving for, which can include addictions to drugs, alcohol, sex, clothes, surgery, or social media as examples? This is more common than we realise,  as ultimately, every one of us, whether we choose to admit it or not, desires to be loved and accepted unconditionally for who we really are and yet we live in a society that can be unkind and judgemental at times , so as a result, we may struggle to show to the outside world a true portrayal of who we are and how we are really feeling internally.

The main reason I am so passionate about my work as a Tantric Therapist is because through its teachings and philosophies, Tantra teaches us the importance of being completely transparent. It is only when we are willing to accept every part of ourselves (including our shadow selves, which many of us try to hide) that we can then live our lives honestly and authentically by connecting with others who share the same vibration and showing them who we really are and not a version of ourselves we feel will be acceptable to them. The way we feel about ourselves will be the energy we project out to others, which will then ultimately, be reflected to us. As a result, the success and failures we attract back into our lives are often related to the frequency of the vibration we have been sending out. In addition to this, it is often the things we dislike in another that is mirroring a direct reflection of what we see within ourselves, that we may not always be comfortable admitting to!

 Sadly, it is very common that due to low self-esteem, family expectations or peer pressure from other sources, we do not always feel that we will be accepted and understood for who we really are. Yet, when we strip away all the outer layers of our persona and stand in our naked form in front of another, although we may feel vulnerable, in that moment we will become more honest with ourselves and others then we ever have before.

It can take a lot of courage to become open and completely trusting of another: to let them see our true
self. Yet, in that moment, something incredibly beautiful occurs. Clothes are viewed as a form of status and a barrier to connecting fully in Tantra, so when the clothes are removed, it is just you as your authentic self. As a result, two people can come together from completely different lives and backgrounds and yet, in that space and time, become equal with no hidden agendas or expectations, just a willingness to trust and become open and honest with who they really are.

Tantra is heart lead with a conscious touch. When you are able to connect to another person’s heartbeat, feel their energy and look into their eyes in your natural state, there is a connection which is far deeper reaching then anything I have ever witnessed or experienced. In that moment, you are putting trust within each other so you can feel safe to be open and become vulnerable to share a journey in which you will be challenged on every level, whilst giving someone else permission to see the real you as you embark upon your own journey of self-discovery, awakening and transformation.

To me this is real intimacy in its purest form.  A Tantric massage, when performed correctly, is so powerful as through the connection rituals and body work, you are able to form a sense of trust and unconditional acceptance that can be life changing and is far deeper reaching then a physical encounter can ever provide. As a nation, we can often resist change or something we do not understand and be wary of anything of value that costs nothing to attain and these elements can often cause us to create doubt within our minds, due to the fear of the unknown. Sadly, this element of fear is what holds so many people back from becoming their true selves. Tantra can provide an invaluable source for change by releasing the blockages that can often prevent so many people from achieving their full potential in life, such is the power of this life-changing and highly sacred therapy and chosen life path.  

If you would like to experience for yourself the life changing and insightful benefits that a Tantric massage can provide, or you would like any further information about Tantra please feel free to contact me directly on one of the links shown below.



Facebook: Your Inner Glow 

Instagram : Your Inner Glow Therapy.


With warmest wishes,



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