How Technology has impacted our society and how this has affected our social interactions. What are the main implications?
How Technology has impacted our society and how this has affected our social interactions. What are the main implications?
Technology is something that plays a major role in the way we think about things, learn and communicate. It is an essential part of our every day lives now and it is difficult to imagine our lives without it. As a nation, it plays an essential role making us and it co- related and co -dependant on each other. So, is this a positive aspect or negative? The answer to that will depend on your own personal perceptions.
There is no denying that modern technology has many benefits on society including better opportunities for connecting and communicating with others for work and pleasure via emails, social media, gaming, message boards, forums ,chat rooms …the list is endless . If we wish to contact someone we now simply pick up the phone to speak to them or make a zoom or skype call which makes working from home much easier and more manageable then ever before. This was of course especially evident during the pandemic when for many people it was essential to balance work and personal responsibilities from home.
As a result of this new way of living many people have adapted and still continue to work this way, finding it more convenient and saving time and money without the commute to work, plus it also enables them to schedule in responsibilities into their day such as school pickups, therefore overall making life much easier and more convenient than previously.
There are many other positive benefits to modern technology which include advertising, trading, medical research, dating, learning and education, transportation, security, online banking, healthcare, agriculture, spreading awareness or information (can now contact numerous people at once to relay the same message saving time and effort) or to obtain help and assistance such as roadside or emergency. As a result of modern technology, we are now more connected then ever, making many aspects of our lives more convenient, maximising opportunities that may not have been available previously and therefore increasing growth and efficiency to our every day lives.
However, to balance out the possible benefits what have been the negative consequences of modern technology on our society?
The most obvious negative aspect is of course the effect it has had on our personal interactions as in many instances we have lost the ability to be personally connected. Previously, if we wanted to communicate on a personal or business level, we would meet face to face, but now it can be much more convenient to communicate online. Our children would previously go out to play together and yet now they often prefer to stay isolated in their rooms communicating via gaming, social media or chat rooms. This obviously has affected family life and caused many relationship problems.
Other negative aspects are the amount of time that we waste online, especially on social media. We have become withdrawn from society and distracted; the virtual world has become addictive for us. Just look around you and see how many people are actually talking to one another or engrossed scrolling through their phones. This can go to extremes at times with families in the same home communicating with each other by text rather then speaking, or couples within a relationship sitting having dinner together with both focussed on their mobile phones and not even looking at one another, more interested with communicating with the outside world then within their own relationship. Is it any wonder that so many relationships break down when the reason is so painfully obvious?
Modern technology has made us more dependant then previously. Before we would go to the shops to get our groceries and spend time socially interacting, now our only contact is with a computer screen. Online learning and education can be affected as it is all too easy to take advantage and become distracted with other things if a teacher is not observing us, or if we are not in a formal learning environment which helps us to focus. For some people their health has been badly affected such as dry eyes, wrist problems and back issues due to straining to look at a computer screen all day long and not being as active as previously, hence gaining weight and reduced mobility.
There is a huge link between social media and feelings of isolation as we yearn for social contact and yet we choose to receive it through a computer screen, which is incapable of showing any kind of emotion or remorse. Behind a screen you can be anybody you want to be which can have positive affects on the lives of others such as promoting wellbeing. Sadly, all too often it can also be used to manipulate, disrespect or make others feel inferior, depending entirely of course in what your agenda and intention is.
This can then inevitably lead to an increase in mental health conditions, such as Anxiety or Depression as we struggle to fit in with the pressures of what society considers desirable and attractive through our media pictures and communication.
Modern technology has been incredibly damaging to our planet also through pollution and the depletion of natural sources. Our climate has been irreversibly affected which will have catastrophic consequences, not only for ourselves but for all future generations to come. In extreme cases social media can be used to incite hate using propaganda to promote catastrophic outcomes, such as war and corruption which of course will always have devastating consequences in the long term for the entire planet and every living being and creature that inhabits it.
So there you have it …the pros and cons that modern technology has brought to us and the world we live in. We now have the ability to connect with anyone, anywhere and at any time and at the touch of a button. We can order any material things that we need and yet children and students are now encouraged to research and submit their homework and findings online as opposed through discussing in person, therefore connecting more with a machine as opposed each other. Self-confidence is decreasing and Mental health is increasing, due to so many of us choosing to find and build love and friendships virtually, instead of the reality of finding out who people really are by meeting them in person and hence building more authentic and genuine relationships.
Modern technology has enabled us to save effort ,money and time , through means that were never available previously and hence opportunities that are here now undoubtedly makes our lives easier, but in the process have we lost the ability to experience human interaction in person? Instead choosing to perceive being ‘connected’ as through a virtual world.
For me modern technology has been essential for many aspects of my life including growing my business and discovering new opportunities for growth and yet nothing compares to the inevitable happiness that hugging a loved one or spending time in the company of a beloved friend brings to me. Therefore, although it is obvious to see the positive impacts that modern technology has had on our society we have to ask ourselves in the long term will the personal price we have paid be worth it?
Elizabeth Lock Professional Holistic and Cuddle Therapist CTHA https:// https://
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