Misconceptions surrounding cuddle therapy

 There can be many misconceptions surrounding the work of Cuddle therapists here are some of the most common:

Misconception no.1
Cuddle Therapists are under cover sex workers / cuddling always leads to sexual activity
A cuddle session is conducted with a professionally experienced and trained Cuddle Therapist who will ensure the appropriate ethics and boundaries are clearly discussed prior to the session and adhered to throughout, so that both client and therapist always feel safe and comfortable. These include no form of sexual touch is permitted at any time before during and after the session including kissing.
Misconception no.2
Only the most desperate people would hire a Professional Cuddler
This is simply not true. There will be times in everyone’s life when
you just need that extra care and attention, it is not a sign of weakness, but of strength. It symbolises a degree of self-awareness and recognising a need for human contact. A session with a professional cuddler is always client led, which means focussing solely on your needs and ensuring they are met, within the boundaries discussed.
Misconception no.3
Regular cuddle sessions will cure Mental health concerns
Sadly, this is not true. However therapeutic touch has been proven to decrease Stress and therefore cortisol levels. Prolonged touch also encourages the release of ‘feel good’ hormones into the body including oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin helping calm the mind to help cope better with life, whilst increasing feelings of happiness and relaxation, therefore reducing Depression and Anxiety.
Misconception no.4
Regular cuddle sessions will cure Medical health conditions
Cuddle Therapy although very beneficial both mentally and physically is not a magic cure for health concerns unfortunately. However, it has been proven that touch received increases the white blood cell count in the body, lowering blood pressure, reducing pain and increasing the bodies’ ability to fight illness and infection, therefore helping to boost immunity and wellbeing.
Misconception no.5
People who hire Cuddle therapists are uptight or cannot form their own relationships
There can be a host of reasons why someone will hire a Cuddle therapist. They may be shy or feel insecure within themselves or they may simply not be ready for the commitment of a fully blown sexual relationship, but still crave that unconditional reassuring care and touch in a safe space with no expectations, helping to reduce fear and boost confidence for when they do feel ready to take that next step.
Misconception no.6
Professional cuddling is a form of counselling
A Cuddle Therapy session offers a safe space where there is no agenda or expectations. You are free to simply just talk or receive touch. A professional Cuddle Therapist will listen with empathy and understanding, whilst giving you unconditional support and the necessary space to make your own decisions. However, it is important to understand that Cuddle Therapy is not a substitute for professional counselling.
Misconception no.7
Cuddling is a form of cheating/cuddles should only be accepted from your spouse.
There will be times within every relationship when things can become tense and difficult and you need time out to reflect and experienced unconditional touch without over thinking it. The intention of the session is to provide a non- sexually orientated service which allows you the safe space to do that with no judgement just reassurance. In addition to this there is no social contact between the client and therapist between sessions.
Misconception no.8
You should not have to pay a stranger to get a hug or attention
Cuddle Therapy provides invaluable benefits to those who are struggling with either Stress or Anxiety, it may also be however that you have experienced a loss of some kind and just miss that human contact and loving touch. It provides a professional service allowing you to not only gain relief from the stresses of everyday life but also to help you feel empowered and although stroking a pet is very therapeutic, nothing compares to a human therapeutic touch.
Misconception no.9
Cuddle Therapy is some kind new age nonsense .
In our society many adults are touch deprived and may consider touch only appropriate in romantic relationships. However, to receive touch in a safe, non-sexual and consensual context is a basic human need. Cuddle Therapists are trained professionals providing a service which is available to everyone, irrespective of age, class, creed or sex, where there is no agenda and the sole purpose is to focus only on your own personal needs.
Misconception no.10
Anyone can become a Professional Cuddler
This is not necessarily true; it takes more than someone who is good at giving hugs to become a Professional Cuddler that is only a part of it. It is essential that you are empathic and enjoy helping others whilst being comfortable with prolonged physical contact. In addition to this they are non-judgemental, trustworthy, reliable and good timekeepers which are all essential traits of a Professional Cuddle Therapist!
May be an image of 1 person

 www.yourcuddletherapy.co.uk    heal@yourcuddletherapy.co.uk


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