What is Spirituality, what are the benefits and how does it differ from Spiritual health?
What is Spirituality, what are the benefits and how does it differ from Spiritual health?
Spirituality and Spiritual health whilst being very similar in their concept do vary to some degree as they focus on different elements of Spirituality. Spirituality is a personal exploration and pursuit of a belief relating to a connection to a force that is so much more powerful then ourselves, whilst Spiritual health has its focus more on the sense of wellbeing that is achieved within every aspect of the mind body and spirit through having this belief .
Although many religions consider Spirituality as worshipping to a chosen faith, it is possible to be Spiritual without religion or prayer but to instead feel connected to that greater power that motivates and gives meaning to our lives. The reason that many people choose to become Spiritual is for many reasons, the most common being is that they wish to understand themselves better so that they can feel better connected within and to have a sense of life purpose that perhaps they were lacking previously. Having this sense of purpose enables an increased focus within different aspects of our lives, which provides clarity ,whilst strengthening the relationships we have , not only with ourselves, but also loved ones and our community .
Being connected also helps to give us renewed strength when dealing with difficult situations in life which are incredibly painful such as relationships breaking down, bereavement, a job loss or personal illness. When you feel connected to something so strong and that you believe in, it provides reassurance and allows your heart to open which encourages forgiveness and the release of anger and pain for those who may have hurt you and caused you distress. Through becoming more compassionate you are able to understand others better in addition to yourself ,therefore allowing you to feel more peaceful and happy with an increased sense of inner balance and a positive and optimistic outlook for the future ahead.
Elizabeth Lock Holistic Therapist
www.yourcuddletherapy.co.uk heal@yourcuddletherapy.co.ukwww.yourinnerglow.co.uk heal@yourinnerglow.co.ukwww.yourtantrictouch.co.uk heal@yourtantrictouch.co.uk
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