What are defence mechanisms and how can we recognise them in our self and others?

What are defence mechanisms and how can we recognise them in our self and others? Everyone one of us if we choose to be completely honest with ourselves have at some time in our life used defence mechanisms as a way of protecting ourselves from feelings which arise as a result of our ego feeling threatened in some way and coming under attack. Defence mechanisms are not something we can always consciously control, they can often be non voluntaristic but can often lead to what others may perceive as unpleasant behaviour leading to inevitable judgement if they are not recognised for what they are. A huge reason why I am so passionate about tantra is that it encourages people to remove the mask and be free to be who they really are and yet so many of us continue to wear these masks to enable us to continue feeling confident in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, we are often our own harshest critic and for most people situations that bring uncertainty into our lives can often trig...