
Showing posts from June, 2020

What are defence mechanisms and how can we recognise them in our self and others?

What are defence mechanisms and how can we recognise them in our self and others? Everyone one of us if we choose to be completely honest with ourselves have at some time in our life used defence mechanisms as a way of protecting ourselves from feelings which arise as a result of our ego feeling threatened in some way and coming under attack. Defence mechanisms are not something we can always consciously control, they can often be non voluntaristic but can often lead to what others may perceive as unpleasant behaviour leading to inevitable judgement if they are not recognised for what they are. A huge reason why I am so passionate about tantra is that it encourages people to remove the mask and be free to be who they really are and yet so many of us continue to wear these masks to enable us to continue feeling confident in our everyday lives. Unfortunately, we are often our own harshest critic and for most people situations that bring uncertainty into our lives can often trig...

The ways in which we can see and interpret life and how it may affect our relationships

The ways in which we can see and interpret life and how it may affect our relationships Every single one of us irrespective of race, religion or gender are completely unique and as a result how we view others and our individual attitudes towards life will therefore be completely different. There are three main ways how as a human race we view situations and relate to others. It is likely that you will recognise traits of yourself in one of these ways, if so it can be interesting to simply reflect on why you may see and view things the way you do as it is only through self-reflection that we are able to increase our awareness and understanding of not only ourselves but others also, so as a result we are then able to relate to each other in a more effective manner. The first way is through seeing with our eyes using physical sight alone in able to understand our view of a situation or person.   This is also known as unconsidered observation, with no insight or comprehension...

What is the iceberg concept of culture and how may it effect us regarding our own judgements of others?

What is the iceberg concept of culture and how may it have an effect on our own judgements towards others? The iceberg concept of culture is a model which enables us to view the many depths of a culture in a relatively simple way using an ice berg as an example. If you imagine that the iceberg is the culture of a society there will be some parts of it which are visible to us above the water but there is a larger portion that is hidden underneath the water that we cannot immediately see. The purpose of counselling means to be able to understand and relate effectively to other people. It is therefore essential to understand what it is that impacts a person and why they may act in a certain way, it is very easy to make our own assumptions about why we think people are the way they are and at some time consciously or not we may all have judged others. However the truth is that it is not possible to form a fair opinion on another person or culture until you have taken the time to ...

What are the 8 levels of relatability and how do they affect our connection to the rest of society?

The 8 levels of relatability and how they affect our connection to the rest of society What is Autonomy? In a counselling role this means as a practitioner encouraging and respecting a client’s decision to govern themselves, to come to their own conclusions and act on their own values through their own personal choices based upon their experiences and learnings in life so far. This can give an interesting insight into human nature and allow us to understand and respect our differences and learn from them. We will never be the expert in understanding another person’s life because we have never walked a day in anyone else’s shoes apart from our own therefore we can never fully appreciate the life experiences they may have endured. It may sometimes be the case however that we relate all the things that have happened to us personally to other people also meaning that confusion and conflict can arise when we feel they do not see things in the same way that we do .Principle gover...

Exploring Counselling:Why is empathy more effective then sympathy in helping others?

 The Foundations of Person-Centred Counselling The purpose of counselling to assist others, why is empathy more beneficial then sympathy and what lessons can we learn from that? The foundation of counselling is to help us become more effective in our communications, so we are able to build stronger and more balanced relationships not only with ourselves but with others also. Everyone one of us are on our own individual journey with the intention of working away from the things that no longer serve us and moving towards what we feel is right for us. Problems and confusion start to occur in our lives when we begin to occur hurdles, these may be caused by a decision we had made previously but no longer feels that it is the right choice or it may be that someone who is close to us may not share our same view point which can undoubtedly cause conflict and disharmony. However this is what makes life so interesting, as human beings we are not designed to all think the same, we ...

What is loving Kindness meditation and why is it so important?

Metta is otherwise known as loving kindness meditation,it is very different to a traditional form of meditation which generally just has its focus on bringing peace and focus to our own individual mind and body. The loving,kindness meditation instead brings focus to our world as a whole to spread kindness and peace to everyone not only ourselves. It is incredibly sad that sometimes being a loving and kind person can be seen by some as being weak or open to easily being hurt or taken advantage of in some way,but why is this when actually having a kind heart is an incredible gift,if your heart is open it only makes you more powerful and resilient and actually kindness towards others has never been so important as it is now. Studies have actually shown that those who are able to be open and loving towards others result in them having a happier,healthier and more successful life. For this reason it is important to be aware of our words,thoughts and actions towards others. So how do...