
Showing posts from November, 2020

What is spiritual healing and what is the role of the healer?

  What is spiritual healing and what is the role of the healer? Spiritual healing can be seen and experienced through many different forms including continuous prayer, Reiki healing, Psychic surgery, Energy healing and Therapeutic healing. A connecting factor throughout is the channelling of healing energy from the healer into the body of the receiver in whatever form that takes. A huge part of my life is now focussed on helping others to heal from previous trauma through my work with tantra and energy healing and throughout my sessions I have personally witnessed upon receiving this energy the receiver may feel a warmth, tingling or other physical and emotion reaction such as coughing, crying, laughing, trembling, feeling angry or experiencing changes in body temperature, as the blockages are released and wellbeing restored. For me personally this is an incredibly responsible role and one that cannot be taken lightly and without the relevant experience or the correct intention a...

Why is following a diet designed for your individual blood type so important? Part 2

  Why is following a diet designed for your individual blood type so important? Part 2 In a previous post I explored Dr Peter J. Adamo book “Eat right for your type” which suggested that following a diet specifically recommended for individual blood types diet could have a huge impact on health and wellbeing.   I decided to explore this issue of blood types further and uncovered other fascinating concepts that can be derived from blood type including the exercise recommended to allow the body to operate at an optimum level, personality characteristics and recommended careers which would be suitable. Some of the information stated below is taken directly from Dr Adamo’s book. Through my research I have shared below what I discovered about each of the blood types, of course as individuals this may differ from your own personal characteristics but perhaps see if you can relate in any way …In Japan blood type is particularly favoured in relating to compatibility in Love and jo...

Why is following a diet advised for your individual blood type so important?

 Why is following a diet advised for your individual blood type so important? Part 1 Recommended reading: “Eat right for your type”    Dr Peter J.D’Adamo A huge part of wellbeing and health is of course your diet. If you yourself have ever had any digestive issues or food intolerances you may have visited a dietician or nutritionist for help and advice but what if there was another way of looking at our health from an individual point of view as opposed a general view. A few years ago I was recommended this book and there are many times I re visited it before committing to the advice suggested to improve my wellbeing. The book in a nutshell teaches us to look at our diet according to our blood type as something which is hugely beneficial for us may actually act as a poison for those with a different blood type and why this is. I found it absolutely fascinating and interesting enough as the book stated your body will naturally crave the foods that it knows are good for...

The power of manifestation and how to do it to attract abundance into your own life

  The power of manifestation and how to do it to attract abundance into your own life Within us all resonates an unconscious frequency which will attract either success into our life or failure depending entirely on the vibrations we give outwardly to the higher source. Although we may feel great desire and excitement to have the life we have only ever dreamt about we can also feel concern which is often due to a fear of expansion and our initial identity being lost. This fear can often be so powerful that it holds us back from chasing our dreams and as a result we then keep attracting the same negative frequency back. If you wish to grow and create success in your life you have to take chances and learn to trust the higher source and your instincts and part of the growing process is healing the part of you that is afraid to confront the fear. It is also important to understand that becoming conscious takes time and patience and learning to become very aware of the world around you...

What is Quantum jumping and how can I learn to explore it for myself?

  What is Quantum jumping and how can I learn to explore it for myself? If you are really honest with yourself how satisfied are you with your life currently? Is there anything you wish you could change or have done differently? It is normal to experience at times some levels of dissatisfaction as no matter how perfect somebody else’s life would appear things are not always what they initially seem to be. Quantum jumping is the process of making the choice to drastically change your life by having a clear vision of the desired state of being which differs from your current state and then making a jump into that new reality. Through the frequency we give out to the outside world from our past experiences we attract our reality because our vibrations resonate. By focussing our energy into the reality we truly desire we must first of all become very clear upon what we do and do not want. This is because this process is so powerful that there can be unintended consequences for ex...

The relevance of free will in our predetermined life design

  The relevance of free will in our predetermined life design Every one of us has free will and the choices we personally choose to make between different courses of action deeply reflect our moral compass and our integrity between how we feel about our self and others. At the time of conception we are born into our bodies with a soul which has a unique frequency known only to you, prior to birth the higher soul has already mapped out a blue print for our lives regarding what we will learn and contribute which of course we are free to change but the concepts of who we are will stay the same. For example in a previous life if you were involved in a role where you helped others it is likely that in this life you will be drawn to do the same or at least strongly resonate with that. Throughout our lives we will make decisions and choices but wherever our passion resides will always show us the correct path and choice for that time. Our thoughts, beliefs and emotions all have their ...

The difference types of relationship and the relevance that they play in our lives today

  The difference types of relationship and the relevance that they play in our lives today Throughout my life I’ve always been a romantic and I always dreamed like many others of having my very own happy ever after which I have no doubt is still to come with my chosen partner. Throughout my own self develpoment work and studies with tantra I have been fascinated by the people I have met and the experiences I have had. I have since learned to become a lot more open minded about relationships and sexuality, but the greatest lesson I learned was to not look for your own happiness to be fulfilled by others as the only way to fill that void of loneliness within is too fall in love with yourself. This may sound like a cliché but it’s absolutely true, I wasted so many years trying to discover who I was and looking for validation through the relationships I had and as a result at times it was a rocky path, but one that served me well as a learning curve and it was actually through the expe...

The diverse range of relationships we incur in our everyday lives and their significance

  The diverse range of relationships we incur in our every day lives and their significance Throughout our lives relationships will play a key part in our life experiences and the way we relate towards others. None of these connections are more important than the one we share with our chosen partner, which can vary in degree and yet are equally significant. There are many reasons that people choose to come together with others which can be more in-depth then you initially realise. Physical Physical relationships are otherwise known as ‘casual’ or ‘hook ups’ they are lust generated and often friendship based with another person with which we share a sexual attraction not always with commitment. It can be confusing sometimes to some as to why they feel very sexually drawn to a certain person which is not always because of a physical urge. From a spiritual point of view you may feel a pull because in the person you feel attraction towards they may have what is known as light cod...

How to become fully aware of and learn to heal the inner child

  How to become fully aware of and learn to heal the inner child Throughout my professional life I have been asked frequently what is the inner child and how can I learn to connect to him/her? Everyone one of us has an inner child, it is the voice within yourself, an expression of not just how you feel within yourself but everything you have learned and seen throughout your life. It is the childlike aspect that lives within your unconscious mind, If your self-esteem is healthy it is likely that you feel fully connected within your body, spirit and mind but if there has been trauma present in your life that is unresolved it may be that the relationship you have with your inner child could be fragmented so how does this happen and how can you learn to heal from the inside out? The relationship we have with our inner child starts from the time we are born, if we are lucky we are born into a family where we are nurtured, loved and accepted for who we are. However sadly this is not ...

What is Sacred Sexuality what role does tantra play in discovering it?

  What is Sacred Sexuality what role does tantra play in discovering it? Since discovering the life changing power of tantra for myself many years ago it has never ceased to fascinate me which is the main reason that I now practice it both personally and professionally. It greatly saddens me that there is still so much stigma surrounding this ancient tradition because un less you explore its meanings and concepts for yourself then you can never truly know or form a fair opinion. Thankfully more people are now becoming open to understanding the true depths of tantra and realising how potentially life changing it can be if practiced authentically and with purity and respect both for yourself as well as for others. So what is sacred sexuality? The meaning of tantra is too weave or expand to explore not only our own bodies and selves but those of others also. Polarity is very important in tantra as the male Shiva energy becomes merged with the feminine Shakti energy to create a powerf...