What is spiritual healing and what is the role of the healer?

What is spiritual healing and what is the role of the healer? Spiritual healing can be seen and experienced through many different forms including continuous prayer, Reiki healing, Psychic surgery, Energy healing and Therapeutic healing. A connecting factor throughout is the channelling of healing energy from the healer into the body of the receiver in whatever form that takes. A huge part of my life is now focussed on helping others to heal from previous trauma through my work with tantra and energy healing and throughout my sessions I have personally witnessed upon receiving this energy the receiver may feel a warmth, tingling or other physical and emotion reaction such as coughing, crying, laughing, trembling, feeling angry or experiencing changes in body temperature, as the blockages are released and wellbeing restored. For me personally this is an incredibly responsible role and one that cannot be taken lightly and without the relevant experience or the correct intention a...