
Showing posts from September, 2020

4 conscious breathing techniques to improve health and wellbeing

  4 conscious breathing techniques to improve health and wellbeing Breathing is something we all do naturally but were you aware that changing the way you breathe so it is done in a more conscious way can adjust the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to reduce the release of cortisol and other stress hormones which in turn help to slow down our heart rate, improve digestion and lower blood pressure promoting a sense of calm and wellness in the mind and body. On average we may take around 16 breaths per minute, therefore becoming more aware of the way we breathe can be hugely beneficial to our health, wellness and how we perform in our everyday lives. Conscious breathing can be done anywhere at any time, but for best results sit, stand or lay down in a quiet space whilst performing the following 4 breathing techniques . Belly breath (diaphragmatic breathing) The belly breath encourages us to breathe more deeply, ideally so we can fill our lungs to full capacity as most of t...

6 mudras to encourage the optimal flow of healing in the body and improve wellbeing

  6 mudras to encourage the optimal flow of healing in the body and improve wellbeing, hold each position for as long as is comfortable. Namaste mudra To harmonize and connect with the higher self and to show respect and gratitude too others Press both palms together, fingers pointing upwards, letting thumbs gently rest together. Take elbows out to the sides and hold position around the chest area. Divine connection mudra Expression of oneness with the universe and allows a deeper connection with ourselves Touch tip of first finger with the tip of the thumb on the same hand. Keep rest of fingers extended in a relaxed manner can also repeat mudra with the other hand at the same time. Energy balancing mudra Balances and cleanses energy, removes toxins and enhances inner harmony within the body and mind. Touch thumb to tips of the middle and ring finger and extend other fingers gently repeat on the other hand if you wish. Energy charging mudra Stimulates energy a...

What are Mudras and how can they help create energy in the body?

  What are Mudras and how can they help create energy in the body? A mudra is a symbolic or ritual pose which originates from the Indian Vedic culture and in sanskrit means gesture, some mudras involve the whole body but most are performed by bringing the hand and fingers together to form a specific pattern which when occurs can release energy within the body. So how do mudras work? Our body is an  incredibly intricate communication device, if the brain needs to communicate a message for us to take action it will do so by transmitting nerve impulses which then allow neurones to communicate with each other, information to be processed and the relevant action taken. Our hands carry motor and sensory mechanisms and by performing mudras we are able to send messages back to the brain allowing the body to open up the relevant energy centres including the chakras and allow energy to flow at an optimal level. Mudras are most commonly performed during yoga or meditation sitting c...

How the colours we associate ourselves with can affect every aspect of our wellbeing

  How the colours we associate ourselves with can affect every aspect of our wellbeing The world we live in is alight with colour but were you aware of the effects different colours could have on your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing?   The use of colour therapy can helps us to understand the positives and benefits of the use of colour within our lives. So what are some of the ways we can use colour for effect? The most obvious is through the clothes we wear, how often do you give a lot of thought as to the outfit you choose on a daily basis and yet subconsciously depending on our moods we will be drawn to wear certain colours to reflect how we are feeling, this of course will also depend on the accessories we choose, another example is when decorating your home do you think about how the colours you choose will make your home feel either warm and cosy or cold?   Many women dye their hair depending on how they feel within themselves or if they have ...

The significance of the chakras: Crown (Sahasrara)

    The significance of the chakras : Crown (Sahasrara) Position: 7 th located at crown of head Colour: purple or white     Organs and glands associated : pineal gland, upper brain Crystals and stones : apaphylite, amethyst, purple fluorite, selenite Planets:   Uranus Chakra mantra: Aum Direction of spin : counter clockwise    Element: thought   Affirmations:   ‘I choose to let go of all control so I can see my life path more clearly’, I surrender my ego and choose to let things come to me as they are meant to’, ‘I trust in the divine energies to guide me to my chosen life path’, ‘Everything that happens to me is for a reason to develop my spiritual self’ Governing attributes: higher self, cosmic forces, divine consciousness The crown chakra or Sahasrara as it is known in Sanskrit is the final main energy centre located at the top of the head and operates at the highest vibration. It is our connection to the spirit world...

The significance of the chakras: Third Eye (Ajna)

  The significance of the chakras : Third Eye (Ajna) Position: 6 th located between eyebrows Colour: indigo or purple     Organs and glands associated : brain, central nervous system and pituitary gland Crystals and stones :      Azurite, amethyst, sodalite, lapis lazuli    Planets:   Jupiter Chakra mantra: Ksham or Om     Direction of spin : clockwise    Element: light   Affirmations:   ‘I focus to open up my psychic abilities so I can see and understand others better’, ‘   I manifest only positive changes into my life’, ‘ I choose to focus only on good vibrations and thoughts’, ‘I am willing to open my third eye to get a clearer perception of the world I live in’ Governing attributes: meditative, intuition, physic abilities, intuition, self-knowledge, insight The third eye chakra or Ajna as it is known in Sanskrit is a feminine chakra, it is connected to gaining knowledge, intuition and phys...

The significance of the chakras: Throat: (Vishuddha)

    The significance of the chakras : Throat: (Vishuddha) Position: 5 th the throat Colour: light blue Organs and glands associated : thyroid, throat, mouth Crystals and stones :   turquoise, aquamarine, blue topaz, lapis lazuli    Planets :   Mercury, Neptune     Chakra mantra: Ham     Direction of spin : counter clockwise    Element: Ether   Affirmations:   ‘At all times I speak my truth’, ‘I am not afraid to express how I am truly thinking’ ,’ My vision is clear and I express myself with integrity and confidence’, ‘I do not hold back when expressing how I am feeling or hide the truth from others’ Governing attributes: communication, influence, creative expression, communicating with honesty and integrity The fifth Chakra is known as the throat or Vishuddha in Sanskrit and is a masculine chakra which encourages honest communications not only with ourselves but with others. The throat chakra governs...
        The significance of the chakras : Heart (Anahata) Position: 4 th over the thymus and heart Colour: green/pink    Organs and glands associated : heart, lung and thymus Crystals and stones :   emerald, jade adventurine, rose quartz, malachite    Planets :   Venus   Chakra mantra: Yam Direction of spin : clockwise Element: Air   Affirmations:   ‘I am able to give and receive love easily’, ‘I deserve to be loved and cared for’, ‘I am deeply connected to the universe and all beings’, ‘I am compassionate and loving to all living things’ Governing attributes: compassionate, loving, connected, able to give love as well as receive it, forgiveness, understanding, relationships The fourth Chakra is known as the Heart or Anahata in Sanskrit and is a feminine chakra which is the centre for all the other chakras connecting us not only to ourselves but to others also. If we have suffered a heart break the ch...

The significance of the chakras: Solar Plexus (Manipura)

    The significance of the chakras : Solar Plexus (Manipura) Position: 3 rd : Just above navel     Colour: yellow    Organs and glands associated:   Digestive system, liver, gall bladder Crystals and stones :   citrine, calcite, tiger’s eye, gold topaz    Planets: Mars Sun    Chakra mantra: Ram Direction of spin :   counter clockwise Element: fire   Affirmations:   ‘I am confident and I achieve whatever I set my mind to doing ‘ ,   ‘ I create personal goals and work towards my success’ ,’ I am powerful and work towards creating the life I have always dreamed of’ ‘My mind set and purpose is strong and I do not get distracted from achieving my goals Governing attributes: being aware of identity, self-discovery, confidence, leadership, will power, integrity, productive The third Chakra is known as the Solar Plexus or Manipura in Sanskrit and is a masculine chakra which projects out the world ...
  The significance of the chakras : Sacral (Svadhisthana) Position: 2 nd : Just below navel    Colour: orange Organs and glands associated:   stomach, kidneys, spleen, adrenals Crystals and stones : jasper, carnelian, sun stone, amber       Planets: Moon    Chakra mantra: Vam Direction of spin : clockwise Element: water   Affirmations:   ‘My life is joyful and I can create whatever I wish,   ‘I have a great social life and have many friends who care about me,    ‘I live my life with joy and abundance in all things ‘    ‘ I am deeply connected to my sexuality and others are naturally drawn to me’. Governing attributes: creativity, sexual energy, vitality, social aspect, confidence, fun, emotions, and abundance The second Chakra is known as the Sacral or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit and is a feminine chakra meaning it draws energy in and if you see a woman with raw sex appeal you know sh...
  The significance of the chakras : Root (Muladhara) Position: 1 st base of spine            Colour: red or black     Organs and glands associated:   reproductive organs, legs and pelvis Crystals and stones : garnet, ruby, blood stone, black tourmaline Planets: Earth and Saturn       Chakra mantra: Lam Direction of spin : counter   clockwise   Element: earth Affirmations:   ‘ I am safe and well, all is well in my world’ ,   ‘I live my life to the full and achieve success in every area of my life’,    ‘I am a warrior and am strong in mind and body’   ‘ I live with integrity and take responsibility to fulfil all my needs’. Governing attributes:   Physical survival, grounding, vitality, courage, work ethic, instincts and basic needs The first Chakra is known as the Root or Muladhara in Sanskrit and is considered to be the most important of...

How does Reiki work with the chakra system to aid stress release and promote healing in the body?

  How does Reiki work with the chakra system to aid stress release and promote healing in the body? Reiki is a natural form of energy healing which originates from Japan and allows the practitioner to channel energy from a higher source (not themselves which can be a misconception) into the palms of their hands so that blocked energy in the receiver can be redistributed throughout the body releasing blockages to create balance and harmony mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Reiki is a gentle, highly effective treatment which is performed through the clothes and there are numerous benefits including relief from Stress, removal of emotional blockages, improves release of toxins therefore strengthening the immune system, re balancing the body energetically and inducing a sense of peace and tranquillity. Although Reiki is very safe and can be used as an alternative therapy with a variety of medical conditions it is not advisable to practice if the receiver has a pace mak...
  How is an energy healing session performed and what changes take place in the body during it? An energy healing is a highly effective way to move stagnant energy and clear blockages in the body to allow our natural chi or life force to operate most effectively. Energy affects every part of our lives from how we perform our work to how effectively we are able to communicate within our relationships, when a baby is first born within the initial first year you may notice them constantly looking around this is due to their ability to see and sense energy, unfortunately we often lose this skill as we get older due to excessive external stimuli which prevents us from fully connecting within. Our bodies are constantly communicating with us as to our condition and yet how often do we ignore the subtle signs such as physical pain comprising of muscular aches and pains, headaches or feeling tired. Instead we often push ourselves forwards which temporarily does not often cause problems ...