4 conscious breathing techniques to improve health and wellbeing

4 conscious breathing techniques to improve health and wellbeing Breathing is something we all do naturally but were you aware that changing the way you breathe so it is done in a more conscious way can adjust the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to reduce the release of cortisol and other stress hormones which in turn help to slow down our heart rate, improve digestion and lower blood pressure promoting a sense of calm and wellness in the mind and body. On average we may take around 16 breaths per minute, therefore becoming more aware of the way we breathe can be hugely beneficial to our health, wellness and how we perform in our everyday lives. Conscious breathing can be done anywhere at any time, but for best results sit, stand or lay down in a quiet space whilst performing the following 4 breathing techniques . Belly breath (diaphragmatic breathing) The belly breath encourages us to breathe more deeply, ideally so we can fill our lungs to full capacity as most of t...